Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

In my opinion, a Metru build is Amy build that has Metru thigh armour. The torso, arms, lower legs, etc can be whatever, but it has to have those thighs. This means Telluris is a Metru build.


i’m not apposed to it, but I’m with you, I don’t see why people would want to do this unless they want to use a specific armor (Not specifically the piece pictured above but if you feel that way, cool.) Piece that doesn’t look like it sits flush with the metru torso to them. Either way I won’t be entering this contest, so this won’t really affect me.


Frankly I see custom bodies to be fully pointless. If they’re allowed then fine, but I won’t vote for any with them.

As for the issue with leg armor… I’ll most likely just vote for an entry that has the metru thigh armor, or perhaps the Inika. Other legs armors kind of stick out a bit much for my taste. I’m not saying it should be regulated per se, just stating my own tastes for any moc-ers looking to gauge what will be the safest bet design


Question: could the design vary in height one unit, since the hip piece on the official design can be attached two different ways?

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In my mind, a Metru Build is anything that uses the Metru torso and looks like a Metru Toa or very close to one otherwise its a Metru Inspired build

So pertaining to the Hagah I think having the feet, thighs, shoulders, legs, arms, ect are fair game to change within reason (I;e no CCBS shells or Ben 10 arms) but the torso and the shields have to be the same piece across all of them I would also say they have to share similar heights because having like a metru leg tall Pokus and titan Mata Nui sized Boomanga would be very weird and not look good together as a team

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Yeah, that’d be fine. Dag’s proposal only specified a width and depth measurement, not necessarily length. That being said, it would of course be kept within reasonable deviations so no 20 foot tall Toa; but a few studs here and there is within that acceptable scope IMO.


Solid. This answers my questions, as well. I can handle “within reasonable proportions.”

Back to the workshop we go! Full steam ahead!

You’re not wrong. In fact, I might even say you’re right.

However, this is not a problem that is unique to these contests. For as long as there has been canon, there have been people who have disliked it.

And I’m not just talking about the negative reactions to lore that came from Greg Quotes. The existence of islands other than Mata Nui ruined the canon for some people. There was even a lengthy discussion on the boards a while back about how The Big Twist ruined the lore.

And if you decide to just not add new stuff to the lore, then it ruins the canon for those who wanted it.

My point is that, no matter how you try to set up the rules, there will be people that it ruins the lore for.

Four ways, in fact. Although the tallest configuration was never used on any official sets, to my knowledge.

A few studs in the shoulder width has a way bigger impact than a few studs in the height. Or did you mean to specify height?

EDIT: you definitely meant height

Also, would hip width be regulated as well?

I would argue that the torso must be a Metru upper and lower torso because that’s what the existing Hagah have. That’s the most straightforward way toward uniformity, since these torsos do much more to define a build than the thigh armor or what have you.


forgot to say this in my original post but i’ve put it here.

Again still cant see a reason for people wanting to make a custom torso here as people won’t be able to create unique shaping with it due to this rule.


Also as has been mentioned by Meso and Eljay being able to recreate the moc has been a big concern and if a moc with and elaborate custom torso wins it means its probably a lot harder to recreate for newer or less experienced builds or those who lack the parts when you could just do the same thing with 2 parts that pretty much everyone has, knows how to use and is super easy to get if you don’t have one.

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There is a reason I specified “masks associated with the Makuta” and put the word “immoral” in scare quotes. I did not say “all immoral masks only became such after the Makuta rebelled.”


@Mesonak sorry, one more question: would this stud-measuring system be applied to the limbs, or just the torso?

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No, I would totally go there. The coloration, Kanohi, spearhead, shoulders, and shins are the only parts of the Hagah that deserve to be heavily customized. That’s pretty much why I believe a contest for these four Toa is a bad idea to begin with. At least the other Toa have room for variability.

My goodness this is getting out of hand


ah great

Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 6.21.16 PM

children, calm yourselves.


You’re cool; as of now that hasn’t been discussed at all, the logic has only been applied to torso designs thus far. I’m not really personally interested in enforcing a limb or limb armor stud measurement since that stuff has a lot more variance (Inika armor being wider than Metru thigh armor, etc. etc.), but I’d love some opinions on that point.

Maybe instead of a “This must be ___ studs long” kinda thing, it could be “no wider than ____ studs?” Like a max threshhold to create a range instead of a harsh limit? idk, just spitballing


But didn’t Greg say that the Hagah have “Metru-Styled Bodies?” Regardless of personal preference, this seems to confirm to me that they definitely have the metru gearbox.

Anyways what are we arguing about?

I swear if someone says metru torsos

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