Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

Fair point. Maybe I could have phrased it a bit better, but I wasn’t trying to say that there’s no room for creativity at all, rather there’s the issue of finding a middle ground between being creative with builds and making them a cohesive unit. Comparitively speaking there’s more limitations here than Helryx or Artakha due to there being sets for 2 out of 6, and it could be difficult to distinguish whether someone copied another or they just happened to make similar MOCs.

That said, this here MOC is a pretty good example of finding middle ground between creativity and cohesion. Certainly unorthodox, but it’s a Metru build nonetheless, and I could see it put next to Norik and Iruini and not standing out any more than Onua does from Tahu and Lewa. On the plus side we won’t get anything as egregious as Noodleryx (maybe, I’ve probably jinxed that just by mentioning it).

True, but it also means that the votes could be split between the two, meaning both have less of a chance. Saying that, there’s still time before the contests start so I can still change them up a bit.

This might be able to help with that.

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This is an interesting quandary, and certainly something we’re open to considering. We’ll discuss it and get back to everyone. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Unless this has the solution, which would be fantastic.


I have the color pack installed and atm it only changes the shades when rendering which is a bit unfurtonate. However I might be wrong haven’t noticed any new colors, even so metallic red in that case would be quite easy to find.

Did you install the files in the programdata directory? I had a bit of trouble with that at first but it worked fine once I worked out where to install it.
Use the Windows+R shortcut, then type %programdata% and search, you should get to the directory there.
The newer version doesn’t let me render for some reason so I’m using a slightly older version. I might be doing something wrong so let me know if it works for you.

Yee, I think so I followed the included instructions, if you have it properlly installed, could you check if the colors are there?

I definitely have all the colours. if you type “smooth” you’ll find them. That said I’m having my own issues with the pack so I’m not sure if it works 100% for everyone.


I definately don’t have those I’ll try to reinstall mine, also it still don’t give me access to Sir Danjus reddish gold.

Totally unrelated but those names though, I’m iffy on them

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Okay, so, I’ve been following this conversation pretty much from the beginning, and I’m finally caught up. My view on this whole thing is that, while I’m going to stick with my vote of how we did it originally, now that I’ve seen some conversation on it, I think I would be open to the idea of a free for all style contest. Seeing as I have already made entries for the moc contest, I would really prefer not to do art only. On the other hand, I might try to make art if that ends up being how we do things.

The last thing I want to say is, who here thinks my Hagah are good for the contest?





What do you guys think of them? I have individual topics for them if you want to see more pictures. Oh, also, ignore most of the shields, I intend on changing most of them.

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Good news I got the colors working but now I can’t render :thinking:

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Dang, this is still going on?

Well, here’s the two builds I’ve managed to make with the bits I have. Please ignore the lack of shields

Would these be considered acceptable examples of Hagah builds?

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It’s subjective, but IMO it has to look like something that could’ve come out of a canister in 2005*.

So the first one loses points for the armour on the waist but the second is pretty solid.

*I’m willing to make allowances for weapons and masks, as Iruini had a new mask, and both had new weapon parts for the shields.

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Fair enough. Like I said, I just threw these together with what I have on hand. These are not what my final entries will look like.

I peronally think they are okay, nothing to offensive. I don’t really know how to feel about Gaakis lower arms though

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Feel however you want. :wink:

I had heard of the hands thing before, but not this. Did he just mean that Iruini’s green might be shiny since he’s made of metal?

I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing; it really ensures that people don’t have to make compromises when voting. Although…

… this is also a good point.

I don’t know how they’ll fit in with the final rules, but from a subjective standpoint I think they have a few too many colours going on.

The spears are a bit big for my taste, but I’d imagine they’ll comply with the rules. The only grey areas are Kualus’s extra torso armour and Gaaki’s wider shoulders.

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Since we are posting Hagahs here is my Gaaki in the reddish gold


I still say it looks like a toa of psionics.

And I feel like the Ruru belly looks a little… off. Interesting shoulder design, though.


Harsh opinions time.

They’re not that good. If given the chance to vote Kodiak’s builds over these, I most likely would, even though I’m not a fan of some of Kodiak’s builds.

Kualus’ mahri diaper is a little strange, and there’s a Pouls someplace which uses it as well - I just can’t see it as anything other than a diaper.

Similarly masked Gaaki is a bit strange with double extended shoulders which taper out, and both of them having spear tips that large is concerning, but seeing as no solid and complete rules for the hagah exist outside of suggestions from me and toaskello, I can’t answer your question.

In terms of builds, they’re decent. The main issue is the colour schemes, Gaaki and Kualus are particularly jarring, especially with the Glatorian heads sticking out. Plus I’m a little skeptical about the use of CCBS in the legs. I don’t want to discourage you, but I would recommend making some changes before you submit them officially.

Exactly the problem I’ve been having. Maybe there’s an error in the code or something, the previous version works fine for me.

I’d say they fit the bill, but personally I’d swap the armour around as I think atm Kualus looks more feminine than Gaaki.

^This. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good MOC, but the gold would probably work better on one of the other Hagah. The mask on the chest looks a little weird but it does make it look more unique so there’s that.

I contacted the creator and have gotten it sorted, I can’t vouch we have the same issue but I recommend contacting him on discord or reddit, his name is Swamp Kryakwa