Toa Hagah Canon Contest Format Feedback

Imagine making pack with 100+ colors, and after that going to search some colorpacks for stuff I need

Tahu’s canister lid looks like copper, which I already made

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welp …

to each their own, I guess.

Sorry, I hadn’t realized that the lid was copper.


I’m sure it’s not copper, all Mata lids seem to have their own unic colors, but closest one is lego old copper, so…


Unfortunately, is very hard to use on a touch screen, which it what I have.

@kanohiReqi, I like the idea of honoring Jovan, but I’d give that mask to another Hagah, since all the Toa who currently use one are also primarily black. It could be a good fit for Kualus.


I agree. The Miru or Kadin for Kualus because flight and birds… I just think the association makes sense.


True, though my reasoning was that Kualus would look good with spiky/angular armor, and a mask to match.


Tbh I chose the kadin on Bomonga because the mask fit well with the spiky armor I gave him

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2008 one exists in black, and that’s an acceptable substitution IMO.

It is fragile, though, so probably best to get fresh ones from Bricklink and never take the resultant MOC apart.


A Toa Hagah to me is: similar foot print/size to the sets, has shield and spear (or at least spear like), wears metallic armour over their primary colour and features some “Metru” identitifable parts like maybe feet or, calf’s or the torso.

I think the red and black looks great together but I’m on the fence as to it being to close to “fire” perhaps purple or orange instead? We even have some purple Bionicle pieces to work with. Also love your choice of mask and the thought behind it :smiley:


never in my three years of existence have I heard the lower leg piece referred to as the calf

absolutely incredible


wait, what? When was your birthday?

my birthday was the same date that I was born


wisdom from the gods


Ghid is a Primarch confirmed.

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Alright! Clocking in at over 1702 posts, I think this topic has served its primary purpose. Thank you to everybody who participated in discussion on these points over the last 8 days! We really, truly appreciate all the points that were shared and all the debates that were had.

This isn’t the end of the conversation; we’re going to take a day or two to plan, draft, and create a new topic outlining our proposed ruleset so we can get some feedback on what we have, things we’ve forgotten, things that could be refined, etc. Once that’s all said and done, things can truly kick off!

Stay tuned for that, and thanks again everybody.