Toa Hagah Canon Contest Ruleset Feedback

Honestly speaking, I’d love to. Maybe not as a PART of this contest, but shortly after it, in close proximity to it, or in parallel to other contests. Problem is, I don’t know if a lot of people would be interested in seeing that, if Greg would be interested in canonizing those, or what kind of process would even be involved in figuring out those powers. Quite frankly, it’s a bit outside of my depth, and our current infrastructure really only allows for stuff like visual appearances. I’d be curious to hear peoples’ thoughts on this.

I get the logic behind the concern; ultimately, it’s not really something I feel comfortable placing specific design restrictions on. They strike me as the kind of thing that’s easily moddable and swappable if people want to maintain coherence in designs, and like @Toa-of-Snow said, the MoCs ultimately aren’t the canon representation anyway, just a design inspiration. That being said, I understand why it’s an unpopular prospect for some; it’s just the kind of thing I feel like is best left up to the voters in regards to choosing whether or not they want stuff like that.

For the sake of saving yourself typing time, probably best to just wait until the topic goes live. We’re going to make it go live whenever we hear back from Greg on the matters we’ve emailed him about so we can have a “Update AND final topic of discussion” kind of roundtable.

First of all, you’re more than welcome, and it makes me happy that you’re happy and getting something out of these contests. As for Bomonga, the placement of the gold armor isn’t necessarily the problem so much as the Skrall armor. Both of those pieces count as shoulder armor, so they would both need to be gold.

Yeah, for what it’s worth, I read up on the discussion in full. Even though we have opposite perspectives, you’re totally respectable in the way you talk about it. You’re entitled to your view, and for the record, I know there’s plenty of people who aren’t happy with the contests. Our goal is to make as many people as happy as possible, but we can’t please everybody all the time, especially when a lot of the goals of community members often directly conflict with each other. I appreciate you weighing in with your takes and opinions no matter what they are. :smiley:

Nope! You can enter as few as one or as many as all four.

…So here’s the thing. I really like the concept, I do. I think your design is really cool and I have no issue with double-ended spears personally. However, I see it being easily abused. Already, I can imagine scenarios where people put like two giant Tuma swords on either end of a long spear and have them hold it in two hands. At that point, it basically becomes the equivalent of a Rahkshi staff, not a spear. As such, at this stage I don’t really see any other way to handle it except to mandate only a single spear tip rather than multiples. Your design is really cool, though! I like it, and I’m sorry about the difficulties.

Thanks a ton for your in-depth, very very very very thorough breakdown. Eljay and I had a very intensive discussion about your points and we reasoned out our thoughts on the matters. As such, this post will serve both as a response to your points and also an… elaboration as to where our headspace was at when designing these rules to start with.

Digitally recoloring parts: Our logic behind this, as stated before, was to keep things grounded. We wanted to maintain consistency and authenticity with real LEGO, allowing for things such as painted parts which have inherent replicability. We didn’t want a scenario where people could just apply an Instagram filter or a saturation boost to a MoC and alter the colors to something that doesn’t even resemble LEGO pieces.


Your example picture there… made a really good case for allowing this. Our main concern was maintaining parity with official LEGO colors and not straying from the official palette. The example picture you showed does an excellent job at showing that a high degree of parity can be achieved when pieces are directly recolored with official LEGO shades. As such, we don’t really see a problem with changing our stance and allowing this within these parameters, as you put them very well:

The best compromise I can think of would be to allow it, but only to recolour parts to colours that exist within Lego’s palette - or further - are already present elsewhere on the moc.

Specifically, for us, it would be the latter point. Parts can only be edited to match an official LEGO shade that already exists on the model. I stress that point because that’s the extent of the compromise; there has to be exact parity to official LEGO shades when it comes to these photoshopped colors. What that means to anybody who’s reading this is that this standard, as shared by iBunny, is what you will need to reach to have this be allowed. This level of parity with the existing LEGO shade featured on the MoC must be achieved; any less than this, any obvious disparity in shade, and the MoC will be given 3 days to make adequate changes or face disqualification.

That’s the crux of the point, but if people are okay with that, we’re open to making that our new official stance on the matter.

ON THE MATTER OF CUTTING TUBES: Honestly, I don’t really have a lot to say here. You make good points about the principle of the matter and about having clear-set rules to set a standard. Honestly, the reason that approach was taken is because of the grey area of the issue and because… honestly, how many times will it come up and be an issue realistically? In all likelihood, not often.

That being said, you speak truth, so we’re going to officially ban the cutting of flex tubes. What you’ve gotta understand, though, is it’s very difficult to enforce that. We don’t have an encyclopedia of tube sizes, and honestly, it’s possible we could make mistakes. We will, of course, do our best from our side, and we hope that if tubes are ever called into question, people will keep an eye out and comment about it publicly.

In regards to the painting of masks: I fully acknowledge the intentions behind that rule and the application of it were not handled perfectly, and I sincerely apologize for that, as I’ve done to Gerou publicly and to anybody else who may have been perturbed from it. Unfortunately, because of the Ben 10 pieces, his MoC would have been disqualified regardless, because even though those parts are technically stickers, they were applied during manufacturing at the factory and are deeply fused on. I spent about 5 minutes trying my hardest to peel it away, with my fingers, with a pocketknife, with anything, and no dice. At that point, the distinction between stickers and printing becomes null and void.

Regardless, though, the mask situation made it a more complicated issue. I want to elaborate briefly on the idea behind the rule; it was not applied strictly to masks, but rather to parts in general. The idea was that we want a degree of replicability in these contests, and the more freedom you allow people to apply paint in copious amounts without restriction, the more you risk the line blurring between MoCs and art, both in terms of the spirit of the concept and also the nature of replicability.

For instance… let me paint you a picture. Say you have a piece like the Hulk CCBS torso, or a big flat technic panel. What would stop people from doing something like this:

03_27_21_00_44_28 03_27_21_00_44_38

On it? Using multiple shades of paint, you can paint elaborate designs with multiple contrasting colors, intricate decals, things that are not only very difficult to replicate but also not in keeping with the spirit of the contest; working within limitations is one thing. Having such creative freedom to essentially draw elaborate designs on pieces without restriction could be undesirable. Imagine somebody taking like… an Inika torso armor, dividing it up into 10 different chunks, and painting each one a different color, creating the illusion that it would be comprised of numerous different pieces and therefore a more complex build than it actually is.

The same is true with masks. Modalt Masks is one of my favorite sources of custom paint jobs in the community, and I have IMMENSE respect for the skill in their craft. I love their stuff TO DEATH, so just because I’m using it as an example in this context doesn’t mean I dislike the designs, quite the contrary. That being said, a lot of their mask designs serve as good examples the reasoning behind this decision. I’ll link a few choice ones:

Masks like these, as awesome as they are, represent the kind of stuff that we wanted to discourage in these contests, not just with masks but also with other pieces. Things that could potentially be incredibly specialized, incredibly difficult to replicate, things that could be stylistically inconsistent with G1, things that could potentially be memed or weaponized by people, things that could go against the nature of the MoC contest.

However, I’ll fully admit that our upholding of the rules, how they were written, and how that idea was communicated could have been handled better. The specific instances you point out about allowing single shades of selective paint over a default base color, contradictions of that sort… they weren’t our original vision, merely technicalities that were proposed to us that we weren’t fully prepared for. Our desire to keep paint jobs “monochromatic” essentially served to bind the pieces to tangible recolors of existing pieces. Custom, 3D printed masks like Gerou’s that had their primary color essentially be “chosen” with another layer of paint overlayed was another one of these edge cases that seemed to serve as a contradiction, and we tried to handle it as best we could.

In the end, here’s what I’ll say: there are holes in the way it’s been upheld thus far, as you’ve pointed out. Discrepancies, edge cases, etc. I’m willing to toss the rule as it’s been written so far and rewrite it with other words. Something along the lines of “No elaborate, unique patterns” on pieces, wording that conveys an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT set of guidelines and meaning but is more in keeping with the actual spirit of the original rule. This would allow for “traditional” albeit uncommon designs such as marbling or blends of two colors in a natural way as demonstrated by existing BIONICLE pieces, without allowing for the intricate details, designs, and decals as presented in the pictures above. There’s an inherent subjectivity in that verbage, which I don’t necessarily see a way around. If there’s an alternative way to word it, I’m open to hearing it.

Finally, on the dying of pieces: We don’t want to sanction permanent damages to LEGO pieces. Dying is permanent, cutting is permanent; custom masks and creations are, inherently, your own to do what you want with, and paint can be removed if you really try. That’s our POV on that, plain and simple. We won’t be compromising on that point.

PHEW! Another mega-post down. We won’t be updating the rules with these new guidelines just yet, because we want to keep the discourse going about proper wording for a bit.