I first built Helryx two years ago. My idea was to represent her frail appearance in a different way. Rather than making her literally thin, I made her largely silver, as if whatever blue paint she had had worn away over 100,000 years.
For her mace and shield I wanted to go simple. She’s the first Toa to ever exist, and her equipment would be practical and well-worn. Her armour needed to be something Takanuva would find strange, so I chose CCBS plates combined with Knight’s Kingdom armour. I had to use a Hero Factory head for the mask, but for more versatility I’ve added an alternate Metru head in the studio file.
Her torso is too complex to break apart in a photo, but I’ve also recreated it in the studio file. In it I have used Gavla’s Mask of Psychometry, as well as the Inika shoulder armour and Metru head from this stud.io parts pack, which I am very grateful for. It’s a shame I couldn’t get the Knight’s Kingdom armour though.
It looks nice, and I’m surprised more people haven’t picked up on the whole unrecognizable armor quote. That seems like free license to go crazy with nonG1 parts for this contest specifically.
I have to say, I’m actually much more fond of the Studio model. Besides the fact that I’m seriously into that particular mask design, I think the thinner look without the Knights armor also serves to give her that “frail” and worn appearance. The exposed pins serve the same purpose.
If I had any critique I’d say that she could use a bit more blue, perhaps in asymmetrical patterns. It seems a little unlikely to me that, despite her age, all of her “paint” would have worn off uniformly.
Otherwise, this is a really solid build! Nicely done!