Toa Helryx (canon contest #1: the first)

This is my entry for the contest, I had to paint silver the shoulder armor since I didn’t have time to order a pair in silver but if you build it you should use the already silver ones.






There’s some very interesting building techniques going on here! My only (tiny) objection would be the butt-plate/Matoro shoulder piece on her lower back :stuck_out_tongue: but that’s obviously not a focal point, and otherwise I think it’s solid! :slight_smile:

That mace design is real clever, nice job.

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Its cool to see such a large number of pieces from different series used, I see some Lego knights, Ninjago, and obviously bionicle.

Well done and best of luck!

That’s a really nice mace design! Well done!

That’s probably the most creative mace design I’ve seen so far.