Here’s my entry. Phew. I had this done for a week and waited till the last minute to submit-not worth the stress!
I decided to not make her skinny as the armour she wears bulks her out and is there to protect her, also I think she could be frail in the sense that she uses her mace as crutch at times or hobbles a bit, maybe. I decided to go with Greek inspired greaves for leg armour but I only had one silver piece so please ignore the mismatch-the tan is not intended. With the colour scheme I tried to show how the Silver is on top of the blue original surface. I decided to make the mace and shield dark to contrast a tad, but honestly there have been better shields/maces and I would probably let those be canon-then again maybe Helryx goes through a lot of equipment!
I hope you like my build, I am so happy to be able to participate in an event like this!!! Enjoy 
(Above: various angles)
These next two are bad quality because I’m a hurry lol:
I hope the following disassembly photos make sense

the thigh in particular is difficult to show how it works, I’ll add a better photo tomorrow if that’s allowed.
Does it have waist articulation? I like the colour blocking on the chest with the silver.
This balances G1 (& Knight’s Kingdom) parts with CCBS very well! The shield is also very solid; simple, but effective.
Interesting design, feels very Dark Souls esque
Thanks, I wanted to use parts not used in G1 Toa sets to show unfamiliar armour, yeh I tried to make a shield that looks like it can actually block attacks.
@Eilrach Yes indeed, I forgot to mention that.
Please do not double post. -Eljay
I didn’t notice this before but the design for her knee armor is great. The rest of the moc is great too but that just stood out to me.
Thanks dude! Not many people seemed to like my entry so I’m glad you do! The ankle armour was something I had in made right from the beginning as it makes for an unusual armour style, feel free to use it if you want.