I based my entry on the idea that Helryx was a prototype for the Toa Mata, and therefore a little similar, as suggested by Greg Farshtey, while being weird enough to put Takanuva in mind of the Makuta. She’s an old girl with weird proportions, and wave motifs inspired by Hahli’s appearance in the Mask of Light movie. Helryx’s mask is of course the 3D model provided by KhingK
I used a mix of older and newer parts, notably the tube and half the torso from the Scuba throwbot, in homage to Bionicle’s roots.
She features Pohatu’s leg function, so she can march into battle. Her mace’s spikes unfold into a more open trident shape, and the large blue gear elements can rotate for a brutal saw-like function.
Her neck uses a mixel socket joint, for free articulation. It is held securely slotted into the torso with the very tip of a technic pin in the bottom of the stud. I used an archaic technique with the old toothed technic pieces to fix them to the ball.
The throwbot torso half is held firmly by the long grey axle, with hoses tucked through and underneath.
Hidden in her mace are four gems, which serve to brace the top securely. I use both very old and relatively recent gear elements and appropriately dented fantasy swords as the four blades typical of a mace.