Toa Macku (with custom Tohunga feet)

Toa Macku-really just a reason to design some functional Tohunga feet.
(Tohunga foot influence from Bumonda moc by Frogbomb and Lariska by ToaVidal)

Her Tow influence came from the Nuva and Matoro, weapon influence from Gali.

(Sorry for poor photo quality)


Realy Nice MOC!!
I love especialy the coloring! :grinning: :wink: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:


Thank you!

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did you turn on the flash?

Yeah, it looked worse without it because of the lighting. Will probably post better photos later

You actually made one with the tohunga feet…
Anyway nice job.


This is a very good moc. Also thanks for the shout out. =]

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You know, Mata blue and gray is honestly a really nice color combo.


Little tutorial for the foot design and why I like it.

Its a pretty simple design and not the most original but for those who don’t find the appeal, let me share my perspective.

Listed colors of what the tohunga footpiece comes in

Some examples of the colors I own

Look at all of those colors! Several of which we do not have official foot pieces for. This foot design can allow for limited colors like purple, dark orange, turquoise, sand blue, and all of the mata colors to have an additional foot design armor, making for some good parts usage.

Now for the breakdown.


Macku got buff.

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As all Toa should be😤

Thanks for showing how the feet are built, might make use of them at some point (especially as a fan of bulking up existing feet pieces).

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