Toa Mahri Hahli revamp MOC

Very nice.
I would say more but what I have to say has been said.
Even this,


just wow. That is very good.

I am extremely picky about Hahli Mahri MoCs, so please don’t take it personally if I tear this to shreds.

-Neck is too long, even with the wings on. -1
-I like that you used a green Barraki eye on her Faxon rather than the blue one that comes with the set. +1
-Hair? Really? -2

-I like the gas tanks, but in-story the hoses are gills. +0.5
-Inika upper body piece. -1
-The Rahkshi boobs would normally be a problem, but you make them work pretty well here. +0.5
-I’m not sure how to describe what you did with the middle of the torso, using the upper arm pieces, but I like it. +5
-Middle body hangs over waist rather than sloping into it. -1

-Upper thighs look great; I especially like the part right above the knees. +5
-Metru feet look good, but I’d almost be inclined to say that something wider, more able to push against the water would make more sense. -0.25
-Arms are pretty basic. -0.5
-Cordak crossbow, as you have observed, doesn’t strictly make sense in the context, but it looks cool. -0.25
-Where’s her claw weapon? -3

-Wings are incredibly messy and monochrome, and look impractical in every sense. -4
-The wings’ “shoulders” look pretty cool, though; very high-tech. +5
-I’m sorry, but they’re supposed to be FINS. NOT, FREAKING, WINGS. -10

-Serious effort went into this, and it shows. +8

Overall score: 2

The body is pretty nice overall, though there are certainly some creative decisions I disagree with, but the MoC’s main feature is both incredibly messy-looking and inherently flawed in concept (In my opinion, at least) so I can’t really say I like it. Still, it’s very detailed and generally very well-handled, so that alone is worth a lot.


This is pretty freakin cool!