Builded for @Senit 's Toa collab
Toa of Fire: Lhikan
There is still controversy over the color scheme of Lhikan: “Yellow or Gold?”. I like both variants, but for this post I made it a keetorange (which, in my opinion, suits Lhikan better, and the element of fire in general, than the usual yellow).
Toa of Water: Tuyet and Naho
Apart from narrow shoulders, nothing special
Toa of Air: Nidhiki
I couldn’t make it without the silver one, because I wanted to convey its resemblance to the mutated version of at least a piece of chest armor that doesn’t exist in green. The structure from the inside does not very much resemble Krakua, but it still consists of a technic.
Toa of Earth: (I didn’t think of a name for him)
Toa Mangai team consists of Toa who were in different teams, so their builds were different too.
Toa of Ice: (I also didn’t think of names for them)
I didn’t want them to look too similar, and for this I even built one completely from the technic details (Bionicle details is just head, Bohrok eyes, weapons and Vahki’s lower torso section). Toa in Hydraxon’s mask must use kanohi Rode (I don’t find this part for
Toa of Plantlife(Green/Jungle): (no name too)
I don’t like the canon Plantlife element color scheme because it seems illogical to me. And I found a compromise - using a dark turquoise (just like the jungle Slizer). And of course a reference to BIONICLE Heroes.
Sorry, I don’t find his mask of healing.
Toa of Stone: (also without a name, but what did you except?)
Only Vakama had his own ranged weapon, why not add it to two more characters?