Nice work, once again. The colors seem little off, but the art is still very good.
How long does it take to make these?
stuart sayger is that you
Fantastic 10/10
Probably about 20-30 minutes each. I do them during breaks so not all in one go though.
Here’s Pohatu. I’m not sure what I should be doing to be honest. Should I be putting all these into one thread as replies to oneanother? I’ve done Tahu and Gali as different threads already. Could anyone give me any help with this?
Potentially you could make one topic titled similar to “Toa Mata Tribute Artwork” and update the main post as you draw more of them? They’re each really good, but I feel they’re so stylistically similar they don’t really merit individual topics and would probably look better in a group.
There’s a lot of empty space in these. I suggest either adding some sort of background, or making the toa bigger. Other then that, these look really cool!
They’d make great desktops though, what with the character occupying the right-hand side only.
why u ignoring macs
Can Macs not change desktop…?
They can, but documents and other files are stored on the right side of the screen.
…they can’t be, like, dragged across to the other side?
ok so apparently they can but then you can’t use the Clean Desktop tool
Just mirror the image.
Problem solved.
Gali and pohatu art symmetrical anyway.
what, do I look tech savvy or something?
It’s a bit of a necropost, but I should probably mention you could just us ms paint to flip-