Toa Mata Kopaka

(Update in case you don’t want to read through the full description: white and grey parts have been ordered, just currently fixing the actual design before they arrive and showing improvements, the parts may take some time to arrive.) Toa Mata Kopaka MOC: Gathered friends! I present my new Toa MOC of the year, Toa Kopaka! Now keep in mind this is mostly finished, I am still waiting on his original weapons to arrive in the mail and some other parts like fingers for his hand etc. Unless you prefer this version, let me know! Lol. Thank you and hope you like it! Update: I would like to note that I had to sell my entire Bionicle collection and parts for a move and other expenses, that included Icarax and throne, the prior Vamprah, all my Toa and Makuta and creature MOCs and my excess of parts, so please understand that I will take some time to complete new MOCs as I have to reorder every single part I need from bricklink etc and that’s why my new approach is either to show off incomplete MOCs in progress or wait a good while to show the completed version. thank you my friends for reading.


Imma be brutally honest man, I love your Mocs but I just ain’t feeling it here. I think it’s the colour blocking, or lack thereof that catches me immediately. I understand that some parts are not available in certain colours but I strongly believe if more of the black was substituted on the limbs for grey and for white on the torso it would shine way more. I still like the shaping and clever joint designs. I look forward to seeing the more completed version with the parts you have coming.


I appreciate the honesty. It is far from finished and valid points. So I assume you will probably, hopefully like the finished version.


The sword hand looks kinda awkward.


That my friend is because he doesn’t have the right parts yet. That is absolutely not his arm design when it is finally finished. I definitely understand your thinking it’s awkward looking. I am just posting photos of what I have completed with the parts available as of this moment and to get an idea on what needs to be improved, so thank you, the sword arm will be much improved :+1: Sword arm work in progress shots, not final colors or parts like the rest of Kopaka, just an idea for the arm:


that is a really good looking sword arm! but yeah gotta agree with axel on this. looking forward to seeing the update


Color and sword arm aside I think it’s pretty awesome. Youve captured the essence of Kopaka while making him pretty articulated. Definitely looking forward to the finished product!


Thanks everyone! Yeah I can’t wait for the parts to arrive, I found most of every part in the right colors! So that will awesome. I updated the arm again to see if this was the better option? Or the one I posted in the comments before? I only changed it because the elbow on the last one sat further down than the opposite arm. Also the fingers are just a stand in, not final, they are too big.


Very nice, but I think you need to tone down the black. It’s somewhat overpowering compared to the white. The build is pretty good though, it’s nice and blocky. Very cool moc


Oh there will be grey and white limbs and white torso and weapons etc when the parts arrive. I ordered them but they will take some time to arrive, just getting the shape down until they get here.


Ah that’s good then


Personally I can’t wait to see the outcome myself lol. When I started this, I had no idea I was missing so many white and grey parts, Kopaka was probably the worst option lol. Though ordering the parts is helpful for this build and for future ideas as well, so it’s a win win.