Toa Matau Revamp

The metru body type was already my favourite canister set design, so I felt like I didn’t need to do a whole lot to it-- just upscale it ever so slightly to fit better alongside my other toa, maybe add a couple greebles here and there.

The new shoulders allow for a much better range of poseability than both the originals and the most common improvement I’ve seen, all without widening the build too much thanks to the raised shoulder line. The head has also been raised to compensate, and the chest armour extended upwards and outwards just a little to keep things in proportion.

Size comparison with my mata build. not 100% perfect, but I like the idea of the mata being a little bigger and bulkier than the metru.

Size comparison with Toa Good Guy to represent my Toa Nalduk body type. This feels more or less spot on.


I love weapon arrange!
it looks like just MOVIE’s style!! :smiley: :smiley:

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More or less my exact goal-- I wanted him to be able to hold them properly without sacrificing the ability to peg into his back as wings.

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So, do you plan on making some instructions or breakdown pics, or you gonna keep it a trade secret?

Dropbox - matau.pdf - Simplify your life ask and ye shall recieve