Toa MOCs Collection (Magna Stories)

More like an entire database of many Toa after the Spherus Magna reformation. Many will disklike the Inika builds, but well, I will build with what I have…

Toa Nuva

While I like some of my designs, Onua and Lewa are not really convincing. Takanuva is a CCBS instead of an Inika buid because I built him way earlier than all other 6 Toa. No introduction or backstory needed for them I suppose.

Toa Gali

Element: Water
Location: Tajun
Gender: Female

Toa Kopaka

Element: Ice
Location: Iconox
Gender: Male

Toa Tahu

Element: Fire
Location: Vulcanus/New Atero
Gender: Male

Toa Onua

Element: Earth
Location: Roxtus
Gender: Male

Toa Pohatu

Element: Stone
Location: Selonax
Gender: Male

Toa Lewa

Element: Male
Location: Tesara
Gender: Male

Toa Takanuva

Element: Light
Location: New Atero
Gender: Male

Toa Marhi

Well, everyone knows the Toa Mahri. I don’t think that an introduction is needed.

Toa Kongu

Element: Air
Location: Tesara
Gender: Male

Toa Hewkii

Element: Stone
Location: Selonax
Gender: Male

Toa Jaller

Element: Fire
Location: New Atero
Gender: Male

Toa Hahli

Element: Water
Location: Tajun/New Atero
Gender: Female

Toa Nuparu

Element: Earth
Location: New Atero
Gender: Male

Toa Kotan

My own creation. They aren’t particularly special, but I like them because they remind me of the Metru Toa, which managed to save an entire population from a mad leader.

The Toa Kotan, named after Toa Kota, were just simple workers or guards, who knew nothing of fighting. The Red Star still chose those 6 Matoran to be the new guardians of the Matoran and Agori alike. At the beginning, it was hard to become a skilled Toa. Their daily challenge were the Dark Hunters. Their base was hidden on the peaceful island of Kota-Nui, and the Matoran could do nothing. The Toa Kotan were their only hope to be saved from the Dark Hunters’ tyranny.

Toa Inai

Element: Stone
Location: Kota-Nui
Gender: Female

Toa Terek

Element: Air
Location: Kota-Nui
Gender: Male

Toa Jal

Element: Earth
Location: Kota-Nui
Gender: Male

Toa Palkar

Element: Fire
Location: Kota-Nui
Gender: Male

Toa Paj

Element: Ice
Location: Kota-Nui
Gender: Male

Toa Lira

Element: Water
Location: Kota-Nui
Gender: Female

Prime Squad

Well, not much changed here. I did already post some months ago this team. Only minor changes have been made and a new guy has been added.

The Prime Squad has been founded to create a special intervention force inside the organization called Magna Legion, a large group consisting of 4 Toa teams and 1 Glatorian team. Makuta’s appearance as well as Velika’s new army are the worst threats the Toa ever encountered during their new, peaceful age. Consisting of 12 members, the team is seen as the most powerful, but also the most dangerous team in existence. Some of them were classified as criminals, and others went rogue after being transformed in Toa. They will have to earn their respect by doing their duty to protect Spherus Magna from Makuta’s madness.

Toa Filni

Element: Air (formerly, now lost her power)
Location: New Atero
Gender: Female

Toa Itaz

Element: Earth
Location: New Atero
Gender: Male

Toa Ingjin

Element: Fire
Location: New Atero/Suijin
Gender: Male

Toa Emara

Element: Shadow
Location: New Atero
Gender: Female

Toa Jalai

Element: Plantlife
Location: New Atero/Tesara
Gender: Female

Toa Hilaku

Element: Psionics
Location: New Atero
Gender: Female

Toa Ikero

Element: Plasma
Location: New Atero
Gender: Male

Toa Rilana

Element: Lightning
Location: New Atero
Gender: Female

Toa Tilar

Element: Decay
Location: New Atero
Gender: Male

Toa Selvir

Element: Shadow
Location: New Atero
Gender: Male

Toa Theon

Element: Fire/Shadow
Location: Mountains near New Atero
Gender: Male

Toa Kei Lung

Element: Air
Location: Tesara
Gender: Male

Voila. My Toa collection. But wait! It is not over. I have like 70 or 80 images of my MOC collection. Next would be Velika’s and Makuat’s army. And some of the most important Matoran in my story. About that.

My story can be followed through the TTV forums, or through my blog

Based on a non-canon continuation of the Spherus Magna storyline, follow the stories of known and yet unknown heroes. The return of Teridax, Velika’s reigning madness, the assassination of a roayl Agori family, a new age of industrialization, and other events will be told throughout different media. Enjoy your stay :slight_smile:


These are really cool, but Pohatu Nuva just can’t stay away from looking weird as Karzahni.

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Like his disproportional body in 2001 and 2002. Or his rotor wings instead of hands. He has always a hard time.

I really like the eyes on the mocs, you did a great job editing.

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Unfortunately, after the giant robot fight, Tahu would no longer be wearing a Kanohi Hau Nuva.

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About that, I haven’t written anything about their new old transformation yet.