Toa Nidhiki, The Renegade Toa Mangai (Outdated)

My interpretation of To Nidhiki.
Mask made by KhingK, air scythe by me.


Looks kinda basic but I do like that scythe piece.

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Thank you. This piece was inspired by Takanuva’s blade, used for Nidhiki’s pincer. I do that to make his mutated form more reminiscent of his toa form.

Concerning simplicity, I’m a follower of Occam’s razor principle, so I tried to be simple, but efficient with my mocs, like it was a real lego product you can play with.


Ah cool. :wink:

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basic - but good
nice work!

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Green Lehvak Kal shield :ok_hand:

Nice Scythe too, i like the resemblance to his claws.

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…that’s a Gahlok-kal shield.