Toa Nikila

Yeah, I dont know what happen with the white part at the upper hand connector. Also I dont have Nikila canon mask so, just pretend thats her mask.


That’s just how renders the part for some reason. There might be a way to fix it by messing with some files, but I’m not the best person to be asking about that.

This build is pretty cool. I never would have thought to use the Gahlok shield for her chest, but it matches the shaping of the artwork reasonably well. The whole model is good in that regard.

EDIT: My suspicions were correct: the weird glowing blue isn’t just for that part. renders all Rubber White like that. Again, this can be fixed by changing just a few lines of code in one of the files, but I don’t know exactly how.


mabye needs a little more white on the legs - but looks great!

She looks pretty good :slight_smile: As for the mask, her official mask is in the Galva parts pack.

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when blue thok droppin

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Looks like a pretty good moc. I like how accurate it looks to the original artwork.

When someone finally works out how to make the Piraka spines. So probably never lol