Toa Nokoma Revamp

After calling her Nokoma for almost 10 years, it turns out her name is Nokama. -_-
I’m still going to call her Nokoma out of spite.

This revamp is for the Toa Teams Community MOC Project.
Hope you like the profeshinul fotos.

I realize the chest looks caved in, but I’m not sure how to add armor there without making it look like breasts. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

The Hydro Blades can be stored on her back.

Let me know how I did!


She’s a little bulky but those weapons…

I do love those weapons. Like, a lot :slight_smile:


I’m sorry, but this is way too bulky. Nokama has never been shown like this before. She is usually represented as a fairly thin character. And what’s with the orange on the chest…

The weapons are amazing, however.


Yeah, that’s my biggest issue here. Try adding two sets of Bohrok eyes or a Nuva chest plate.

Kudos to you on those weapons, though!


Man, nokama, lay off the junk food.

Well, nokama is female…


Real talk though, the torso needs to be overhauled.


I second this.
The torso is too wide, and looks like it has a beer gut.


Everyone says this looks too bulky, but I just say the head is too small.


Her torso is way to bulky.

But those weapons are just groovy man. And the limbs are alright as well.

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The torso is almost the same width at the shoulders and at the hips.
It’s also flat, and thanks to the Rahkshi foot, looks like it has a beer gut.

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The axes are cool, everything else seems to be too bulky and that chest is definitely too wide for her.

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Great weapons

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She looks really good, however the torso is bit odd.

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I don’t like the torso, but the rest is :ok_hand:.


Sheesh! I get it already!

In all seriousness though, I will be rebuilding the torso, thanks for the c&c


The limbs also seem a bit too thick in parts.

The legs are based on Brutaka’s and the upper arms on Axonn’s. Which are you talking about?

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Primarily the legs.

The upper arms look just a little strange, but not as bad as the legs.

The weapons are top notch. Perfection incarnate. As for the Toa… meh. Has promise buy needs definite work.


Then… why not make it look like breasts? As long as they aren’t obnoxiously oversized, no one is going to throw a hissy-fit over some armor.

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nice ! i love those weapons , but i do the torso needs to be changed a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

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