Based on the original cover art of the set Nuparu Mahri, with the addition of the Aqua Blaster Blade.
No BG.
Front and Back view.
Weapons. (Shield and the laser-sighted Cordak Blaster)
Very nice, I like that you brought back the orange from his Matoran version. Though the torso is very nice too.
i love the torso on this guy, and the legs look beautiful, tho i would say that the lower arms are just a little to thin and basic for me, plus the head is a little small, however that is just an issue i always had with the original model so i cant really fault you for that…
still nice moc, i love the colors!
It’s about time someone did up this set.
The original nuparu Mahri set wasn’t bad it was just a little underwhelming.
The added orange and weapon really helps to finish what the original set started.
Good call to include the shoulder-mounted Cordak Blaster; not only does it reference his Inika form, but it also lets him hold his Blaster Blade. I almost wonder if there was a shoulder-mounted design at some point in the prototype phase of the set, and that’s where the Blaster Blade came from.
I like how you gave him the Aqua blaster Blade, it always gets overlooked in Nuparu Mahri mocs.
its not a shield you know
What is it then?
While Brian Ellis may not have originally envisioned it as a shield, it most certainly is one in the final version of the character. Even in that video, he recognizes that Nuparu carries a shield in his final form (45 seconds in).
very fair sorry its been alwile
That being said, the idea of it as a sword is still kind of cool, though the final piece would need to be reworked to actually function as such. I feel like these Brain Attack shield/sword pieces come kind of close to the original vision of a combo tool:
well yeah I love brain attack combi-weapons are auswome!
nuparu does need a melee weapon and that works.
but back on topic, I really like the added orange(maybe a little to much) and the changed air cable. the whole thing looks nice and filled in compared to the original, able to withstand the pressure of the pit