Toa of Blue Pins

<img src="/uploads/db5640/orig


It’s difficult to make out. That’s all I can say.


Everyone always says that

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Edited Title for Caps -Not Chronicler

More pictures would be appreciated.

@Toa_of_red_pins Because you just need to learn to take pictures that aren’t over exposed. If you have good lighting then you’re gold.


From what I can see he looks pretty cool.

kewl looking

This is probably your best MOC, imo. I’m on board with this.


The pictures are blurry as usual, but he looks cool enough (although I don’t see any actual blue half pin half axles.).


That’s becuase it’s true. Not enough light is a problem and so is too much light. I’d recommend using a artificial light like a lamp rather than naturual; it gives too much light.

This is probably your best though you need some detail pictures (back, front, weapons, etc) without posing the figure. Just a straight up standing pose. For the moc I might have put blue pins sticking out so it looks like he could shoot them out. You seem like a good moc maker but your picture skills need a lot of work.

And before you say all you have is a tablet; same here. What you really need is a completely clear space and a controllable light source. I ussually look at my pictures like you would anyone else’s moc; can you make out the details?


This is my favorite moc of yours.

I actually don’t see a lot of blue pins, but I like this


best moc of yours, I would like to see better pics of it

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While these photos are better than your others, It’s still a little hard to make out the details of the MOC. But from what I can tell, it’s alright I guess… It’s looks a bit basic. I don’t really see how it’s a toa of blue pins like it’s title states. A decription of the MOC and better quality photos would really help.

Stop using an iPhone like a wand and hold it steady also lighting helps.


This is why we have tripods.

I like the wings the most.

0/10 needs more blue pins

I like the moc, I think the spikes on the shins are pretty cool :smile:

I can’t see it very well. For the sake of our visions, stabilize your iPhone. Hold it still, on a flat surface.

The MOC itself looks very ugly. I can see you tried, but there’re no blue pins at ALL. The MOC looks like some strange white-‘n’-blue devil’s crap, and is generally Bad. I suggest you try to make a MOC, and not an anomaly. :wink:

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please don’t tell me this is female (oh wait its not, because it has realistic proportions)

All of my move have realistic proportions