Toa of Plasma

The third member of my own Toa team.
I got rid of the elements ‘ice’ and ‘earth’ in my team, but I replaced it with other elements that are known in the Bionicle universe, starting with this one, the element ‘Plasma’. Which according to biosector1 has a possible colorscheme of white and orange.
Hope you like it and stay tuned for more to come!


This is really cool


This is great! Although, to me, it kinda just looks like a revamp of Nex. That doesn’t detract from it at all however, and if he had a different mask I don’t think it would be an issue at all. Still, it looks great!


While this guy does look sick, I think something as simple as putting a heart light on the chest would help differentiate him from a Nex revamp. Overall great job though.

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do they make roborider heads in orange? might have to get those on bricklink for my toa of plasma moc at some point

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the best element

Amazing work. At first glance, I do question the tube in the torso, as it interferes with the color blocking in theory, but in reality it looks great. Interesting hip design.

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Impressive! I certainly look forward to seeing the rest of the team.

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I never thought of it, but Nex actally could’ve been a cool Toa of Plasma…
Very high-tech, very nice building technics, but I think lower legs are somewhat thin, though it might be just me. This gun (it is flamethrower, right?) is very nice, what is the piece it is firing on the last picture?


I had more the idea for a ‘plasma’ gun hehe.
The shooting piece is one that is included with those energy effects pieces, I think moslty with marvel and iron man sets.

Isnt plasma just…really fast and hot energy fire?

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This looks awesome!

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shhhhhh, we don’t talk about that here


Finally a Toa of Plasma!
Sodenote: I’ve always imagined the first user of Ignika as Toa of Plasma wearing orange Zatth.