So, this is a yet-to-be-named MOC of custom element. What I intend to change is the eye-color (black as of now, will be blue), The dark tan on his shoulders will be replaced by silver once my bricklink order comes and lastly - I will try to fill in the knees a bit. I might also consider ordering custom hands from shapeways.
Anyways here is what I have so far - both criticism and praise welcomed.
The dark tan needs better distribution (assuming you do end up keeping it) and the gold/translucent yellow is out of place.
Also, the upper chest is very bulky for a rather small pelvis and very long, sleek limbs. And I am sorry, but that piece doesnât work well as a pelvis on this MOC.
The red balljoints should also be replaced.
Just one other thing, I think you should give a MOCist credit when you use their foot designs.
Itâs okay, the obvious open technic sections are odd, but they seem to fit in. It looks like it could be improved at the waste, and maybe change the red ball joints to black. Otherwise, it looks pretty good so far.
Onhestly, the shaping and everything leads me to think this MOC is female.
+1 to female characters outside Ga-matoran
And I know that feel when you only have Red balljoints left.
As a word of advice, maybe add some Burnt orange as shoulder armor and the shell thatâs holding the chest on, to not have the mask stick out as much.