Toa of Shadow

A former Ta-matoran who was somehow warped into his current state by antidermis. Now a Toa of Shadow, the first of his kind; he seeks to revive the fallen Brotherhood, guided by the blood of the Makuta that flows through his veins…

(Initially, I wanted to make a standard inika-size Toa, but somehow I got carried away and he ended up being Titan height instead. It happens. I should probably note he doesn’t actually use an inika torso piece, but rather a custom torso built around that chest armor piece.)

He can stick his sword on his back. I like to think his sword is like, half rahkshi staff, half blade. The blade piece is from some old Knights Kingdom set. As you can see, a series of tubes guides the flow of the antidermis through his body.

He’s gonna shoot ya. It’s been on my moc bucketlist for a while now to make a moc where the leg pistons are on the reversed side. I think it kinda adds to the idea that he’s some mutated guy, thin and almost skeletal with his “insides” poking “outside.”

Good versus Evil: Here he is clashing with a member of Axonn’s species.

So there you go. My first moc posting here to the TTV message boards. Hopefully you like him. And if you don’t, well, maybe you’ll like my next one. I have several mocs that I built last year, and I think some of them are good enough to post here. I actually built him in October inspired by the Halloween season.


I like this MOC. I don’t usually see pistons on the outside of the legs as you placed them. And the member of Axonn’s species in the last photo looks excellent! I hope he’ll appear soon.


Nice prosthetic arm.