Nuparu’s Workshop’s Toa Factory series I made the following Toa team in the Mata style. It reinvigorated my interest in Bionicle. Because of their inspiration, the bios also include their stats and three core words according to Nuparu’s Workshop’s guide. There are six Toa on this team of the standard starting elements. They are the Toa Sholdai, their name deriving from the fact they all have asymmetrical shoulder designs with capes coming off their right shoulders and a ball on their left (except for Toa Vakoleh, but she’s special).
First is Toa Konweh, silent Toa of Earth. He was the first I built (and is the only one I have physically). He is a shy and quiet Toa who prefers to act quickly and avoids the limelight. This is possible thanks to his Kanohi Pakari, allowing him to rush to the rescue and then just as quickly speed away. Unlike most Toa, he is left-handed and wields the Shatter Drill. His shoulder cape is silver and his eye color is trans-light blue. Despite having darksight, he understands that most others are unable to see well underground; thus he has a lightstone mineral growing on his shoulder. His three core words are Shy, Silent, and Effective.
Strength: 5
Speed: 7
Intelligence: 6
Courage: 3
Skill: 5 (10)
Endurance: 4
Next is Toa Shahyse, kind Toa of Ice. This skillful Toa breaks the mold on Toa of ice as she is not only quite friendly, but she is also the leader of the Toa Sholdai, stressing teamwork and collaboration above all else. With her dual Sleet Scimitars, she is the type of leader to lead the charge. Her Kanohi Komau allows her to take control of uncooperative entities though she prefers to not use it; instead, she tries to reason with foes. Her shoulder cape is white and her eye color is trans-fire yellow. Her three core words are Kind, Bubbly, and Coordinated.
Strength: 3 (8)
Speed: 4
Intelligence: 5
Courage: 7
Skill: 6
Endurance: 5
Next is Toa Ashkatu, noble Toa of Fire. A knight through and through, this Toa of fire carries a regalness that is unmatched within the team. His royal red cape, piercing red eyes, and dark red and black armor make him an imposing figure on the battlefield and this seriousness does not leave him when out of combat. He swings his Inferno Broadsword with ease in one hand while his off-hand supports the impenetrable Obsidian Clipeus. He is precise in his attacks, using his Kanohi Matatu to fling debris and loose gravel at enemies as he attacks head-on. Despite his formidable stature and fighting style he is noble, always wanting a fair fight and never attacking an enemy when they are down or their back is turned. His three core words are Stoic, Just, and Professional.
Strength: 5
Speed: 3 (8)
Intelligence: 3
Courage: 7
Skill: 7
Endurance: 5