It’s a good MOC, but I don’t know if this will be allowed for the contest. There’s a new rule that prohibits sexual expression.
Even expression like roodaka is not allowed.
Well that’s ridiculous
Nothing in Bionicle is sexually dimorphic and there aren’t any Vortixx or Vortixx-lookalikes on the list, so… we’re not losing anything.
When they say sexualized mocs they refer to those mocs with oversized boobs and butts made only to joke around. Giving a female moc female like proportions isn’t sexualizing a character, just look at the movie’s versions of Gali and Nokama, which have different proportions than the male Toa and aren’t sexualized at all.
whether or not it’s against the rules, I think using nuva boobs is an easy way to shoot yourself in the foot. The technique is not well liked in the Bionicle community these days, so I doubt any entry that uses them will go far.
And since I’m here, the rest of the MOC:
Not sure why she’s titan sized. I get building toa at larger scales, but in the case of characters like Tuyet who have team members most would want to display them with (Lhikan) it seems like a bad choice for a canon model.
Proportionally I think her Legs are a little too short for how long her torso is, and in regards to the colour scheme both silver and mata blue feel a bit haphazard in their placement. (particularly the silver, which feels very out of place on her crotch)
First of all I agree the sliver is a bit out of place along side the metru and mata blue. However it’s a result of using what I have at hand. Second she is not titan sized actually the same size as a toa inika. I do agree it should be the say size as a metru build and have tried to keep the height down to that but that’s just how the build ended up. If I tried to shorten it it would just look weird. I don’t agree with the legs being long but maybe iam wrong. And lastly I knew it wouldn’t be a popular moc for the contest but honestly I didn’t care I made what I thought was good. I see no problem with female characters looking like female characters. Other wise we might as well make all the male characters not have broad shoulders and narrow waists and instead make them all look like stick men or something.
Can we get a size comparison? I’m ok with Tuyet being Inika sized but there’s no way that torso is Inika sized. An inika sized torso is 9 or 10 studs tall, yours appears to be around 14. That’s one head with mask taller than a Toa Inika. Maybe to compensate you could shorten the arms by using a 5L arm connector.
PD: I love the sword design, it’s perfect as it is to me.
Looks pretty sick! I really like silver Tuyet!
Exactly, I don’t think I see specific individual boob plates here, thick butts added, or thick thighs that many people like to add when making a perverted Bionicle in name of “making it more Miramax like”
The main way the add stereotypical feminine traits is making them slightly smaller frames with wider pelvis’s and body language, not giving them voluptuous features. Gets really old hearing that excuse
In the interest of keeping this relevant, @Bodi never gave that excuse. He never mentioned Miramax at all. No need to harp on it, then.
@others, I feel like the point has been made and there’s probably no need to go on discussing general gender dimorphism (or lack thereof) in BIONICLE on a topic for a specific MOC.
Yeah ok she is a little bit taller than the toa inika. But not by much and nothing a swapping out of legs won’t fix.
@Takutanuva I never intended to make a perverted bionicle moc just simply making what i thought fit the character. Plus as much as people want to forget (for some reason I don’t know why she’s a pretty cool character ) rodaka was a thing. And if you just want to demise rodaka then all I can say is well art is art and I can’t help but be inspired by things of beauty in this world. And like it or not bionicle is a product of our world.
powerful words
I really like how gappy the waist is. It reminds me of the Mata torso.
ay yo what
sorry if this comes off as rude but like I just can’t
What are saying?
He says he is having a volatile reaction to the unsavoury statement and understandably so.
well ok then. I will try to be more mindful of how I express myself so I don’t harm anyone’s sensitive feelings.
I think its more like secondhand embarrassment than anything else
Embarrassment? No just a little tried of overly sensitive people getting triggered by a couple of pieces of plastic.
Oh I’m not saying you’re embarrassed, I think other people are embarrassed FOR you