For a MOC that’s quite obviously cobbled together from other MOCs (although I won’t, like Matoro, call it a “joke MOC”), it looks pretty cool. I can see you attempted to mirror the asymmetry of the limbs on the torso, which doesn’t quite worth it, but it shows you were on the right track. The weapon is rubbish, he’d work out better with just the Vakama Hordika arm. And, frankly, I don’t think the orange of the Vahi and chestplate meshes well with him, since he already has a complex color scheme.
I’m going to be as kind as possible here, but it will be hard.
First, the yellow piece in the sword needs to be switched out for a silver one.
The snowflake piece on the end needs to go. The Light-trans blue clashes with the Matoro trans blue really bad.
I would suggest that you blend the colors of the MOC, and make it more symmetrical. Right now it looks like you just ripped limbs off of other things and clicked them together.
I’m not going to leave a ?/10 for this, because it would be to low…