Toa Varian, the One Left Behind

A headstrong and mischievous Psionic Toa once close friends with Toa Norik. The duo would go on many adventures until the fateful day came where Varian was turned into a living trophy by the Shadowed One on Odina, where she would remain for countless eons. As the Matoran Universe began to die, Varian stayed frozen, unaware and entombed under destruction. Brave scavengers daring to explore the defunct GSR would be her only hopes of escape.

The iconic psionics (don’t mind Orde’s missing Sanok mask atm).

My build of Toa Varian from the serial “No One Gets Left Behind”. With her mask being called azure, I imagined Medium Blue being her base color since they’re both sky-colored (and it’s a nice color to differentiate herself from Toa Orde). I also made her eyes red to denote them being derivative of Orde’s pink eyes, put blades that would look “wicked” on Varian, and made her Rhotuka shield something that a non-Hagah Toa could be seen using. Enjoy :slight_smile:


Yup. this is my favourite Varian. I love it!


Very nice but the Rhotuka launcher doesn’t really look like a shield to me. Though I do like how you emulated the shape of a metru build with the torso.

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looks very cool, one of the best Varians


I imagined Varian’s shield would work more as a buckler shield rather than a heavy shield like the Hagah. It would allow more form and less clumsiness with her elbow-mounted blades.


Now that I see it that way it makes more sense


Always tribute to the slizer Metru Torso.


this is probably my favorite Varian, love the lower arm design


Glow in the dark for the Rhotuka of sleep. Huh. Clever.

Nice MOC! Definitely one of my favorites so far.


I always thought a massive Hagah shield with elbow-mounted blades would look really awkward, but a Rhotuka buckler looks much better.


I like the use of the Ben 10 limbs on the lower legs.

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I love that torso design. Creating the metru body look but with common pieces that would really make making different colours easier.

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Wow that is a sick build I hope this wins the contest

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I like what’s happening here. The shaping and colour distribution are really nice, and the arm blades look really cool. I never would have thought to use Visorak pincers, but it seems to be a popular idea.

I also like the glow-in-the-dark Rhotuka.

The one thing I’m not so sure about is the shield. I definitely like the idea of Varian having a fairly small shield, but I almost feel like this overdoes it; in addition to the small diameter, it isn’t even really a full circle. Would you consider giving her the shield design you used for Norik here?


Now that is an interesting arm design. But those are forearm blades and not elbow.


These are super cool! I did something similar a couple of weeks ago, I dig your interpretations!

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Any chance you could show a torso breakdown?

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Been trying to work out exactly what parts I’d need to recreate her in meatspace, and (if it’s not an imposition) some instructions would be much appreciated.

Also, I’m curious about how well the arm-blades manage to stay in position. From personal experience, Visorak mandibles have a tendency to freely rotate on me.

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Welcome to the boards!

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Thanks. Longtime lurker, but I figured I should actually create an account.