Toa Vihagu Updates/Photo dump

I have my reasons.

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More like excuses…/s

It was planned in the character’s concept way before I built the MOC, for what it’s worth.


Then it is fine…but if you did that cuz you were lazy…I would have to KILL YOU!..jk but that REALLY gets on my nerves!

Certain aspects of Saidon are alright

Drainu is the only MOC in this thread that I actually like, and I’ll consider it an accomplishment

Shaju, the Silent Warrior

Pretty much made alterations to everything to some extent. The torso and upper arms are completely new.

And this is the last update for a while, so, thank you all for sticking with this.


He looks good, but that is one large chest.


neck is still too long

torso is disproportionately large

gali mask on chest still looks weird



Hey look, Drainu steps down as your best MOC to make way for Saidon once again.

I know this is a dead topic but the picture isnt showing up

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Probably because I embedded them all from Custom BIONICLE Wikia, which changed its namespace a few years back. Not that you’re missing much, the 2016/2018 iterations were massively improved

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