Toa Yahru CCBS Version

A revamp of Toa Yahru (Toa Yahru - #11 by NewDrewBuilder1992)

Character Profile

Name: Yahru
Designation: Toa, Part-time Order of Mata Nui agent
Species: Matoran
Element: None
Homeland: Artakha (birthplace), Metru Nui (adopted home)

  • [Shown] Turbine Staff (Made up of Electro Rod and Thruster Club, both of which can be used separately), Power Cannon
  • [Not Shown] Throwing Stars, Smoke Bombs, Flash Bombs, Grapple launcher
    Fighting Style: Mata-Taekworu Zhex- A Matoran style of martial arts developed by his master Seihu. It is a hybrid of many styles of armed and unarmed martial arts.

See more right here:

And feel free to leave a comment here and/or the website.


A vast improvement, the upper torso is well constructed with the slope panel as shoulder and connector in-between the neck for detail, but the pelvis is rather blockly in a bad way.


Maybe a Metru chest can help give shape below.


It was a start, but here’s how it looks so far:

Looks more complete, however the open pins looks like it need something to add and making the waist a block taller would potentially give waist articulation. :bamboo:

I can do something about the open pins, but as for the waist articulation, he already has it, it’s just the tire on his mid-torso is keeping it from getting too loose.

On a side note:
Also, I was thinking of either using Black Mata Feet or the old custom Toa Yahru foot design. I know it’s up to me but I need your thoughts?

I really like it, even if it is CCBS. Good color scheme on a complex torso and legs. Keep it up.

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Thanks Mavrah. I’m glad you like it.

You deserve it. It breaks the ‘skeleton wearing armor’ mold.
Is that a Tahu G2 mask?

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Awesome. :smile:

No, but it’s a mask that 0nuku made based on my design.

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