Also Tailgate
C&C is greatly appreciated,
- Vex
Oh and uh, if there is a specific non-bayverse TF you wanna see I guess requests are open
C&C is greatly appreciated,
Oh and uh, if there is a specific non-bayverse TF you wanna see I guess requests are open
How about Powerglide? Or perhaps some Deceptacons? Shockwave would be cool.
Why non Bayverse?
Probably because of their cluttered designs. He could never do justice to the flying dorito that is supposed to be Starscream; not in a brickhead.
I would still want to see a G1 styled Nitro Zeus, tho.
These look great! Just shows how great the G1 designs are that they can instantly be recognisable even in the Brickheadz style - the same can’t be said for the visual bombardment that is the Bayformers designs.
Prowl’s horns are done quite well, methinks. You capture the quirks of all of them, in fact.
Could you do blackout in a more traditional style?
I posted him in a topic a while ago but here he is again, Shockwave.
What about Brawn?
Brawl, Bludgeon, and Warpath would all be awesome.
These are fantastic, I forgot how much I love your Brickheadz work.
What about him?
Perhaps Ramjet if you haven’t done him?
would like to request Thunderclash, cybertron Jetfire and/or Rail Racer
Would love to see unicron, liege maximo/ vigilem or Tarn and the rest of the DJD if you haven’t done them already
Oh, sorry! That was a request for Flywheels
This guy and maybe Battletrap as well.
Edited for Double Post - BioKnight
Brawl. I had to take some liberties with this one. Due to the side of the head, I had to move the iconic cannon to his shoulder.