Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

OOC: Well do you seriously think that you can just hack into the Cybertronian empire’s secure military databases?

OOC: Who said I was going for the military stuff; I was going for stuff like CCTV or basic, commercial security.

OOC: They wouldn’t have anything of consequence.

OOC: He’s just poking around because he’s bored.

OOC: People can’t just become able to hack things if they’re bored.

OOC: quite the strenuous task for boredom

OOC: Firestorm’s been established to be pretty creative when escaping Kaon Tower.

OOC: And he hasn’t been established as an acomplished hacker.

OOC: Facedesks…a lot. He had to figure out how to do that at some point to get around added security to keep him in Kaon Tower.

OOC: They can’t just have new talents when it’s convenient. If he’s cooped up all day in a lab being experimented on, where did he have the time to learn how to hack? If you had mentioned that he was a hacker in your entry post, I would be more lenient on this.

OOC: Touche.

IC: Firestorm gives up. “That was a stupid idea.” He says, heading out of the Archives.

Nova entered the labratory, as the doors closed behind him, making a quiet ‘Shuck shuck’ sound.

Most of it seemed fine… from the right. The left was in ruins

“Inadequate,” Nova muttered, looking at what was left of haliaetus.

His body was torn in two, yet oddly hollow.

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Nova grabbed Haliaetus by the head, and lifted up the corpse.

It was limb

OOC: Combiner wars confirmed.

IC: with a sickening crunch, November rendered the head in two, and removed a small object.

OOC:? The later, not the former

OOC: You put limb instead of limp