Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

In haliaetus’s database there seemed to be missing data, most notably stellar castor’s blueprints

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OOC: Data can’t just be up and deleted like that. When data is taken from a computer it’s copied from one place to another. even if it was deleted, it’s more than likely the data could be restored.

OOC: Well he could have deleted it from that 2nd source. It’s not that hard.

OOC:I know how it works.
IC: upon closer inspection it could be seen that several memory cards had been destroyed

OOC: Yeah, it kinda is.

IC: “I didn’t even need that crummy design anyway.” Nova muttered.

OOC: Even so, it isn’t impossible.

OOC: glad to have you back, @Ace.

IC: Ironclad was nearing Dreg.

“Get me a list of the top Cybertronian Scientists and engineers. I put too much faith into Haliaetus’s work and ideas.” He ordered an Autotrooper.

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OOC: Now here’s a ligitmate problem with the name change. Does he mean scientists from his faction or the whole planet? It’s not too unreasonable to think he would look outside his borders for say a Decepticon scientist.

OOC: Empire, he has yet to outsource.

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OOC: But it’s still a possibility.

The six maximals sat at a camp

OOC: Oh yeah. Forgot about them.

@UnitaryBog “Who should we ask about The Four?”

“let’s try with that guy” he said pointing a random not

Mordo walked to them.
“Excuse me sir, but you have ever heard of The Four?”
OOC: @MaxinePrimal I think you should control him.

OOC: I think @KAI_BORG should

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OOC: Yeah. Most probably.


Ironclad is now flying over Dreg.

“Hmm? Looking for the Auto-brother of the Four eh?” The bot replied in a gruff tone, leaning towards them and talking in a quieter tone, his eyes shifting warily around them.
“I don’t have his current location but I know who does, head into that bar, look for the bot with the ‘headlights’. He’ll be hard to miss.” He said, shifting to jerk a thumb towards a nearby, seedy looking bar.


“I’d recommend landing about here. His signals projecting from one of the connected tunnel-caverns.” Asphalt said as he looked around.

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