Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

“What sort of headlights?”

Nova picked up his communicator,“Get me Hardware on the line, asap. I have an operation for him to oversee.” He said crypticly.

“You’ll see. I need to go now. Good… ‘luck’ in your endeavors.” The Cybertronian said, turning before quickly slinking off into a nearby alley, a shifty look to him as he glanced around warily.

Mordo started to search in the bar for somebody looking more… “special”.

Ironclad lands, waits for Asphalt to dismount, and transforms to robot mode. He searches for an entrance to the tunnel network.

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"Haliaetus is dead, Hardware, so once again. I am in need of your specialized epertise once more. I want you to create a moral deilma for our enemies, I think you know what I have in mind. " Nova continued.

"My condolances. " Said Hardware,"I’ll need a suitable host for the transplant, a big one too. " The butler replied.

"I trust that you will not fail me as Haliaetus did. " Nova said with authority.

As he entered he saw multiple… shifty characters, a medium level of distorted chatter coursing through the bar.

many of the patrons were mainly of dark colors with punk-like colored accents, except for in the corner, where a bright, neon yellow and green bot was sitting, surrounded by a few other ‘punk’ colored bots, each chatting loudly.
A loud cheer suddenly erupting from them as the yellow bot stood up, his eye-lights suddenly flashing in strobe-like disco pattern.

A few of the nearby patrons to the group were casting dark glared towards the bots, grumbling under their breath as he sat down.



“He should be down here, first cavern connection if I’m correct.” Asphalt said, locating the connected tunnel-entrance.

“Ugh… I am looking for the Auto-Brother of the Four!”
Said Mordo, trying not to look scared.

As Ironclad walks through Dreg, he observes the poor living conditions of the Predacon faction.

How is it that a quarter of the planet is made to live in squalor?

He follows Asphalt into the tunnels.

“I shall put out a list of traits that the Autroopers need to look out for, physically as well as personality wise.” Hardware replied.

“Ah, you’re looking for Crane eh? Yeah I know him, he’s da best modder in da city. What ya lookin’ for him for? Tryin’ to become something more fearsome little birdy?” The bot replied, standing up and walking over, smirking cruelly down at the smaller bot as his companions chuckled.

“But tell me, what’s in it for me if I tell you this info? Why, I doubt a little hummingbird like you could even carry more than three Shanix on yourself without collapsing.” He replied, cruelly chuckling as he leaned against a nearby table.

OOC: what are we supposed to do here?

“How many Shanix you want?”

OOC: Talk to guy, find out the price he wants for the info (remember its max) and then follows instructions to find Crane.

“Hmmm… How about 50 little cradinal? 20 for the info and 30 for wasting my time.” He replied, grinning as a sudden, unnerving quiet overtook the other bots who could overhear them.


OOC: What’s the max?
IC: “How about 30?”

OOC: 50 but I’m not wasting money

An Autotrooper saw the updated agenda, and stopped Dynamo and fury.

“Is there something I can help you with sir?” Dynamo asked.

“Yes, can you tell me what Spark type you posess.” The Trooper responded.

“Well that’s an odd question to ask.” Dynamo replied.

“The fate of Cybertron may depend on it, now tell me what it is.” The Autotrooper demanded.

“Are feeling alright sir?” Dynamo asked, confused.

Fury growled and interjected with,“You don’t have to tell this pig anything,”

“Tell me D’mn it!” The trooper shouted.

“Alright, alright, it’s Isomeric-Positive.” Dynamo complied," Just chill."

“Lord Nova would like to speak with you then.” The Trooper replied.

“I think he’s taken too many circuit speeders.” Fury grumbled,“Totally out of it.”

“Are you sure sir? Why would he want to talk to me? I’m not anybody.” Dynamo noted.

The Autotrooper nodded,"That’s exactly what he’s looking for.

OOC: Actually its 20, I’ll qoute the post

“35 and no less Robin.” He replied, still grinning cockily.

OOC: it says if more than 50…

IC: listen man, I don’t want any trouble, but I’m not paying more than 20, someone told us the rules

Ironcald walks through the caverns, following Asphalt.