Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

OOC: Whoops, though I wrote 20… eh, Ima keep it as is then.

“31, shiny.”

OOC: so 50 or 20?

They soon entered a cavern like area, multiple tunnels connected to it, marking it as one of the main intersections… it was oddly empty though…



“… Ahahhaa! I like you birdie! You got guts for such a tiny bot. 35 it is.” The bot replied, bursting into deep, cruel laughter

OOC: 50

Reblast turns to Mordo “don’t pay until he gives us the info”

“The rest of Dreg is densely populated. Strange that this intersection should be empty…”

Ironclad doesn’t want to jump to conclusions, but he rests his hand on his sword all the same.

Mordo approached his head by him.
“You see my friend? The Autobot? We have to change his optics. And you know why? Because Papa Gunn want this. What? You don’t know who Papa Gunn is? He is the big bad fat boss of the Decepticon Mafia. He rule upon the other mafias, and I am sure you are a worm in his system, you just don’t know this. So in case you don’t want to wake up one day and to realize that all of your friends were killed and that half of the Decepticon Territory wants you dead, then I recommend you to tell us for 31. If not, I will tell him that you want money from us.”
Reblast couldn’t hear anything. Mordo talked like a real gangster.

The Autotrooper hailed for a Transport to arrive and pick them up. When it arrived The Autotrooper lead Dynamo onto the ship, but blocked Fury ’ s access.“I’m not letting this animal onto my ship.” The trooper growled.

“Either she goes or I stay.” Dynamo asserted.

“Fine.” The Trooper grumbled,“The Animal can come along.”

“I have a name,” Fury growled.

“It speaks.” The Trooper said with dull suprise,“It supose you can teach them to do anything.”

"It will kill you and all your friends if you keep speaking like that. She spat.

“Did you just threaten a Cop?” The Trooper asked defensively.

“I’ll have a worse offense if you keep talking to her like that.” Dynamo growled.

The Trooper muttered something incoherent and walked to the cockpit of the vessel.

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“… I agree… I do have a theory but-” He started, suddenly pausing as a Predacon entered from the side.

As he looked around he suddenly stopped, nearly seeming to pale as he stared towards a corner, quickly backing back into the tunnel, only moving faster once he saw the other two Cybertronians.

“… Never mind, Savage is in here.”



“… Pfft, you think I fear a Decepticon mafia? We’re in Autobatian territory! Where we rule! Our gangs control the streets, not Decepticons! Our mafia rivals theirs! We’ll overpower them! Besides, I know about their society, if anything this ‘Papa Gunn’ of yours’ll be wiped out in no time once he’s learned of by his ‘leader’.” He replied, grinning as he stepped forward, his companions shifting menacingly, the tips of weapons attached to them now visible.

“So I’d say you should increase that price until some… info gets ‘anonymously’ released on your ‘Paps’ and he finds himself sealed away, with you to blame.” He hissed, continuing forward.

“Papa Gunn say 35. No more.”

Ironclad follows Asphalt.

“Good, glad we could come to an agreement, Cardinal. Still, I’d be watching over your shoulder next time you’re alone on the streets.”

“I would be so happy to present you to Mr. Shilty.”
He gave him the money.
“Now, I want information.”

OOC: papa gunn sounds like a nice dude

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“Good.” The bot replied, taking the Shanix.
“Now then, head left out of here, continue till you see the alley with the yellow eye, go down it and look for a green brick on the wall, hit it until you get an answer, after that, well, that’s dependent on your how you got your recommendation, hummingbird.” The bot replied, sauntering back to his table.

“let’s go Mordo, no time to waste”

“It was a pleasure to meet you, shiny.”
And he left the building.
@UnitaryBog “Ohmygosh! I was so scared!”

“papa gunn will be disappointed” joked Reblast

“Oh, come on! I had no idea for gangster names!”

The shuttle, as well as others like it, began to travel to an undisclosed location, the same one that Nova was traveling to at that moment.