Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

In the end, Mordo and Reblast ended up on a weird alley.
“Reblast, look for something like a yellow eye.”
OOC: Gtg.

The shuttles landed at a military facility so rounded by Autotroopers, and other military personnel. The other Autobots lead off of the shuttle were of a similar size to Dynamo, even if they had quite a few differences.

“Move forwards.” An Autotrooper ordered.

OOC: So how big is Dynamo?

yellow eye, yellow eye Reblast was looking from side to side what does an eye look like?

OOC: Somewhere inbetween a voyager and a leader. He’s a retool of TR Megs

OOC: So pretty big. Got it. Wait then how big is Fury?

As he looked around he noticed a small splotch of yellow paint across some of the bricks of one of the alley openings.

It was oddly oval shaped, just a line shape, with a dot painted in the middle.

“Wow, I guess he was serious.” Fury stated, amazed at the place they were being lead into.

“Please enter the facility.” Another Trooper ordered before leading the assembled group into the base.

OOC: So how big is Fury?

iC: Reblast continued walking in the direction of the yellow eye now I should look for a green brick

OOC: Deluxe size

OOC: Good to know.

OOC: but that’s the standard, that’s not big

The Autotroopers lead the assorted group into a large room, filled with several tables and chairs. Nova watched this take place from behind one way glass.

OOC: Fury isn’t big

Firestorm starts looking over maps because he was still kinda bored.

OOC: just like you I imagine

OOC: actually, I usually read when I’m bored; I’m actually reading the Yugioh manga compiled volumes 1-3 to pass the time while I wait for something to happen.

“Miss I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” An Autotrooper ordered.

“Over my cold dead body,” Fury.

“Please, just do what they say Darling. I’ll be fine. I promise you that I’ll be fine.” Dynamo replied.

Fury huffed before walking out of the room.

OOC: Who is in charge of the Decepticons?

As he continued on his eyes caught a flash of green on the shaded alleyways wall.

The bricks around the solid green one carried an odd texture to them, their connected pattern seeming just a touch off.

OOC: He’s gonna get brainwashed or something isn’t he? Hopefully not by a squid this time.
Also it’s Diacon. He’s the Decepticon leader.