Transformers Cybertron Reborn RP topic

“So, where are you all? No specifics of course! No idea who could be listening, just basic location, so I can figure out the best meeting/pick up point for us.”

Asphalt asked, before hearing Firestorm’s question.

“Well, I suppose comes could be used, a dangerous choice in case DGD are here, but dependent on location distance, in person may be a lengthy wait. Also, tell whoever’s attempting to get in to say hello at least!”

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“I’d honestly rather show it in person in order to prevent the DGD from tampering with it.” Firestorm says.

He tells Bob to not try to be stealthy on the comms towards Asphalt.

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“Hey!” Bob protests.

“We’re aboard Auger in neutral territory,” Ironclad explains.

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“Smart choice! Also, hello whoever you are, and perfect! I’m actually quite close! Now, how close to Predacon territory would you say this neutral location is?”

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“We’re closer to Kaon, actually,” Ironclad says.

“It’s Thingamabob,” Bob says. “The big blue guy with four eyes.”

Firestorm gets an idea and hopes it works, “Is the Dark Star Saber reacting to anything right now?”

He has Dark try to increase his presence. The idea is the the Dark Star Saber would resonate, in some way, to Dark’s presence and lead Asphalt to them.

OOC: pretty much trying to make the Dark Star Saber use the dowsing ability from LoZ: SS. This is dependent on @Ace, @Traykar and @MakutaTexxidos giving it the OK. If they say no, the idea fails and nothing happens.

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“Ah… I still have no idea who you are! Also, Perfect! I can meet you there in maybe an hour or less! Also, no? I don’t think whatever you’re doing can, ummm… transfer, yes that’s the word. Transfer through a comm channel.” Asphalt replied.

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Firestorm shrugs, “I don’t if that’s possible but I hope you and Savage arrive safely.” Firestorm says. His idea having not worked.

Eh, worth a shot. Firestorm thinks.

Dark simply nods in agreement.

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“Exactly as I said! And I can assure you we will! We’re heading there now!”

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“Understood; hope to see you guys soon. Firestorm out.” He says, hanging up.


“Excellent!” Ironclad says.

Doohickey and Bootleg were still in sick bay, unaware of these events. Bootleg was trying to barricade the already locked door.


“So, did that idiotic thief at least become dog-chow? I didn’t get to see before we were caught but I’m hoping she at least got a good mauling for that choice of hers!” Asphalt asked, still… cheerful.

Anchoria kept a low profile while she stayed in Kaon. She avoided open places like an agoraphobe. She also wore a cloak which covered most of her body. Reasonably, of course, she did not want anybody to recognize her. She wore the cloak for two reasons, actually.

The first reason was that she arranged a meeting with Decepticons of infamy. They were thugs, defectors and all manner of unsightly vermin. At least, that’s what the old Anchoria would classify them as. Nobody the current Baroness of the Decepticon armada should be seeing.

The second reason was that capes look very cool.



IC: @KAI_BORG “Fury is thankfully alive,” Ironclad says.


Firestorm goes to look for Doohickey and Bootleg.


“Did she at least get a small mauling?” He asked, a disturbingly hopeful tone to his voice.

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@KAI_BORG “Some damage to her leg, but that was easily fixed.”


The sound of Asphalt muttering something that sounded a lot like ‘would’ve preferred if it had been her neck’ was heard before he replied, saying, “Ah… lovely… at least she had some repercussions for what her actions caused then!”

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Ironclad rolls his eyes.

“I’d keep your distance from her, if I were you. She doesn’t have a very high opinion of you and Savage.”

Not that I blame her, honestly.

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“Really? What did Savage ever do to her? I believe they’ve quite literally only met in the tower and Commander’s shop…”

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