Transformers: Dawn of a New Age Signups and Discussion Topic (Sign-Ups Open)

I can’t wait, I can’t wait, when they gonna open up those doors?
I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going to the hardware store!

Quote: Weird Al (Hardware Store)

Well, I’m glad we’ll be back to our adventures. I’ll enjoy using my railgun on some mercenary mechs.


My activity will be diminished for some time. Thank you all for your patience.


Let’s get hyped…



Would it be alright if an NPC bumped into Firestorm soon-ish? Firestorm wouldn’t know this person, but they’re interested in speaking with him about something peculiar- if they can find him, that is.


A new NPC:

I don’t have a name, but I realized it looks a bit like Samus when I finished. It transforms into a WWII fighter-bomber.


Decides to reread though some of the story just for fun. I feel like every time I go over the section with the ghosts of the Primes I find something new to appreciate.

Bombasticus is more and more of a treat every time I read her. I especially love the fact that she gave LD-L1 the finger guns. She gives me serious Justice from Helltaker vibes. It’s amazing to think that this legend was in charge of all of Cybertron for a while. Man I can only imagine what the place was like under her leadership. And I’d love to see a short story or something about how she lead the reunification of Junkion.

Also I just wanna talk about this guy

This guy. This little man, was a Prime. And I think that is absolutely amazing for two very simple reasons. First, he is smol. This in and of itself isn’t a huge deal. I would imagine the Matrix one to discriminate based on height, and it doesn’t completely stop him from doing a good job. But I just love the idea of all the Knights and Angelicons being like “Yes my Prime. Right away your excellency.” All stern and series as they do, to a man who barely comes up to their knees.

But secondly, and more importantly, he does not have hands. He as not but scoops. I couldn’t see this guy filing his own taxes, nevermind leading an entire planet. Which means that either 1. He has to have an Angelicon follow him around everywhere to carry and hold things for him. Or 2. (And this seems more likely based on what few lines he had) he very stubbornly insisted that he was in fact fine and didn’t need any help at all, and constantly struggled to do even the most basic of tasks. But still managed to do at least an alright job of being the head of an entire space fearing civilization.


And meanwhile Razor is about to acquire some dangerous technology for fun… This will certainly be interesting.


Hers was certainly a storied life- as is usually the case for Primes in this universe. I have ideas for the identities and backstories of several Primes, which I may one day post in the Writings of the TOTGA-verse thread if I find the time.

Groundbreak Prime was eventually talked into taking on an assistant with more dexterous fingers, but he wasn’t quite so helpless on his own as you might think. He was still able to get a fair bit done with those shovel-hands of his.

Oh, it will indeed be interesting…


i hope it includes me…


It certainly will.


One of the terrorists was named Lennox, right? Or am I imagining stuff?


One of the thieves at the Hall of Records sarcastically introduced herself as the reincarnation of Wilhelmina Lennox when she was first interrogated, but that was it. Nobody you’ve encountered so far has been related to Lennox.


I just had a bizarre NPC idea: a Seeker based on the bird logo for hunger games, with a flamethrower and missiles as weaponry. Design would be basically the Studio Series KSI Boss character, with vehicle mode being a US Air Force fighter with a flame design on the wings. Possibly also giving it a car mode as a 1980s era Pontiac Firebird with a black paint scheme and a colored firebird emblem on the front.


I’m definitely gonna save this for later, if you don’t mind


Obligatory illustration:

Rocket launcher bow, and cool wing storage!


Hey all. Since I’m only able to post every couple of days now, I encourage y’all to try roleplaying with each others’ characters a little more- if you are so able and so inclined, of course. Ideally, it could give your characters little things to do with each other, even when I’m not there to move my part of the game forward- so you might not be waiting on me quite so much. Hopefully.

I understand that right now, though, most of the PCs are currently engaged in activities with NPCs, which makes the waiting unavoidable. I’ll wrap up my end of things there soon, though.


Sounds good. I hope everything is going well on your end man.

That said if anyone is close to the Primal Basilica I’d be happy to get Niko and Nova involved. They haven’t had a whole lot to do lately.


I’m fine; it’s just that I’m taking some tough courses this semester. I need to devote most of my time to schoolwork.

Another reason I encourage more roleplaying is because cooperation between the PCs will become much more important, now that they’re starting their adventure in earnest.


Here’s something random I made:

Dune Edition Cliffjumper! Alt-mode is an off-road modified police interceptor (obviously not in a police color scheme) and the second picture is his blaster, a large gun contained in his right arm’s armor.


Such is politics, unfortunately.

For real though, I’m gonna wrap it up in my next post. I’m just a little busy right now.