Transformers: Dawn of a New Age Signups and Discussion Topic (Sign-Ups Open)

Okay. If you want to try creating another character, feel free.

Back early due to an injury I sustained doing something really stupid. What all have I missed? Is anyone inside the Tomb yet?


No, actually. No-one’s gone inside the Tomb yet.


Seraphicon’s making his landing approach. Firestorm has opted to stay and watch the prisoners.




“As a courtesy, we allow the Primes to think that they’re the ones who do all the work.”

-Knight-Commander Pyroclast, 37410 BCE, reportedly uttered in the aftermath of the Benzuli Push.


Has the ship landed yet?

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Yes, it has. A lot of the PCs have disembarked and are making their way into the Tomb of the Primes. Razor and Salvage are still on the bridge, though, and another NPC is watching over the surviving humans who attacked the party earlier. They’ve been stripped of their weapons and locked inside one of the rooms.


@MaxinePrimal is Axis free? Ivory needs to check in with her still.

Hey, you didn’t answer Kitai’s question.

I know, i had work late yesterday, I’m asking so I can post for both at once.

Yes. She’s headed out the ship right now.

Question: To download or change a Transformer’s alt-mode, where would one have to go?

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Transformers in this universe can scan objects to change their alternate modes, like in the movies, or they can download the specs on new forms from the datanet. The ship has terminals that the PCs can find alt-mode data on, or they could find new forms the next time they’re in a city.

Ok, thanks. I had wondered about the scanning, since it requires a vehicle to scan. Obviously, they can’t transform into a vehicle larger than their beginning dimensions, correct? Assuming, say, that Razor had an alt-mode as a fighter jet, it would have to stay at a smaller size than an actual jet due to the limits of her size as a Mini-Con.


Yeah, that’s how it would work for Razor and other minicons. Larger cybertronians have more leeway when it comes to reshaping/resizing themselves to accommodate new alt-modes, but minicons get the shorter end of the stick (no pun intended). A minicon who scans a larger form will usually end up transforming into a miniature of that object.

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@DuneToa Ivory hasn’t moved at all.

Here’s a character I came up with to use at a (likely much later) date in the RP:

Name: Defender

Alt-Mode: T-28 Defender Tank Destroyer


T-28 Defender railgun: In his humanoid form, this weapon becomes a shoulder-mounted cannon. It forms his main gun in vehicle mode. It has a reloading time of approximately 1 minute, but has limited ammunition and can become inaccurate if fired repeatedly.

Mounted machine gun: a standard .50 caliber machine gun mounted to the turret of his alt-mode. It becomes a wrist mounted gun in his humanoid form.

Backstory: Defender originally arrived on Earth at the start of the Great War. However, he was damaged upon landing in the area near the Area 51 research base owned by the U.S. military. His damaged body was found by military officials, who noticed how he had taken the form of a nearby T-28 tank destroyer. Not knowing that the strange vehicle was a Transformer, they modified it extensively, using it as a prototype for numerous other tanks. During this time, Defender placed himself in stasis, as he didn’t wish to disclose his identity as a Cybertronian, as he saw some of the results of research into Cybertronian technologies. Later, when the war had ended, he was sent back to Cybertron as a diplomatic offering from US officials, who had noticed the similarities between his Spark-powered engine and the circuitry in destroyed Decepticons. Defender later joined an expedition to several new planets, though he later distanced himself from the “discoveries” made there, as most were proven to be false. One of these was the supposed discovery of a strange black box, that could not be opened with any conventional technology. After this, Defender returned to Cybertron where he had a short run as a leader of a group of vigilantes fighting a pirate incursion that had blocked off a supply center. For his actions, he was deported to Iacon for a few years, and has only recently returned. He will (eventually) meet up with our heroes.

Or he will meet them on Cybertron, if I decide I’m up to the challenge of adding another character to those I’m already operating.


@DuneToa Okay, i’m confused, is oreo on the ship, or in the tomb. Same question with razor?

Defender looks good. If you want to play another character at some point, I’d allow him in the game. I would like to discuss his backstory in a PM, though. It doesn’t clash with any of the universe’s lore; I’d just like to iron some things out and talk about it.

Also, if I can help alleviate some of the confusion around where people are right now:

From my understanding, the only PC aboard the Pulsar right now is @N01InParticular’s character Stopgap. Everyone else disembarked, and most of them have entered the tomb. Axis and Ivory remained outside, though, and Oreo was inside the tomb, but has gone back outside to join the Prime and the detective. That’s how I’ve been interpreting things, anyway- if anyone’s characters are actually somewhere else, please correct me.