Transformers: Dawn of a New Age Signups and Discussion Topic (Sign-Ups Open)

Cool. Trying to make sure I actually pay attention to what I said they could do and not just add stuff willy-nilly :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait, how did I not notice that before. :stuck_out_tongue:

unless it’s not an intentional reference


A reference to what?

pacific rim? where the yellow robot has a saberchain weapon? huh, maybe I am reading into that too much

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Oh, okay. Yeah, I totally stole the name from Pacific Rim. It’s just too cool.


Uuuhh… how do i reply to this?

I don’t know. How do you think Kitai would feel seeing that?

Probably mortified.

You could write that.

Also, I will not be active much today.

If you want Axis to have a personal vehicle, you would need to write up a profile for it.


Alright then. I’ll get to work on something.

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Just to be sure I’m interpreting this right: did Kitai take the chip out of his head in the real world, while he was having this dream?

yes. he did.

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Aight, cool. Did Kitai make any sounds when he did that- any shouts of pain, or anything like that? There are a few other people in the Vector Sigma chamber, and they’d probably react if Kitai did anything to draw their attention.

No he didn’t make any sounds.

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Name: The Prime Flyer


The personal craft of Axis Prime. It can fly with great speed and agility, and is equipped with decent armor. It also leaves a trail of fire as it flies in atmosphere. This has no practical purpose, and is purely for show. It is also capable of flying both in space as well as in atmosphere.

Occupancy: The Prime Flyer is able to house one pilot (Axis) and one passenger. However since it was designed with eukarians in mind, most other occupants would find the passenger seat behind the pilot to be a bit roomy. The passenger seat could also fit two or three humans instead if necessary.

Weapons: Two forward mounted rapid fire plasma cannons, and one fire ball mortar cannon between them.

Equipment: On top of standard navigation and communication equipment, this ship also has an advanced cloaking system. Rendering it invisible both visually and to most detection systems. However activating this cloak disables the weapons.


Also known as the halo banshee.


Look, it was the best design I could think of for a basis. Most of the specs/details I already had in mind before hand.

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I never said you don’t have good taste in video games, I just wanted to point out that it is a pre-existing vehicle.

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Ah. Fair enough. I moreso felt you were acusing me of being unoriginal.

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Everything looks good here.

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