Transformers: Dawn of a New Age

“A bold statement to make in the home of the Prime,” Codex says, looking quite surprised, but holding his ground. “Is there anything you can show me to verify that? I can’t share such sensitive information to just anyone, no matter what they claim to be.”

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Marcus sighed, and showed his Private Investigation license papers to the man, as well as his 00 number, indicating his license to kill.


Codex scrutinizes the papers, and sees that they are legitimate.

“Very well,” he says, looking back up into Ivory’s eyes. “What exactly would you like to know?”

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“I’d like to know, for one, are there any legends about Sentinel having some sort of power or treasure hidden away somewhere? Second, is there any other information in the journal beyond simple personal epithets?”


For a moment, Snowblind just sits there, alone in the quiet room. So I’m just about to hand myself over to the cops. Willingly. To be fair, it seemed no one in the city had reason to look twice at her. Well, before she apparently got on the datanet as a terrorist-fighting vigilante. Whoops. Still, it was like she had told Hotfoot: the perfect chance to meet some people and make a good impression.

She leaves the comm tower, against every instinct striding out into broad daylight, head held high as she looks for an officer of the law.


Niko and Maximus both followed the officer to wherever he was taking them.

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“Yes, I guess it would work that way.” Aralysa replied as they continued towards the hospital. She sighed, looking into her memory banks for days long past. “My mentor’s name was Whirlpool. A grumpy sort, but kind.” She giggles for a little bit before continuing. “Kind of like Stonefist, only less blunt.”

Stonefist nods, and the rocky Cybertronian follows behind the Iaconian cop.

“No-well, I’m not, maybe he is. Thanks for letting me know,” Tokamak says and returns to Overclock.

“Well, he definitely has left the port. Unless you’d like me to further help search for him, I guess I should go to the…which building is it?” He asked Overclock.

You certainly have a type.

“Whirlpool, Whirlpool…Sounds familiar, just not placing it. What did he transform into? A dishwasher?” Roaster asked.


“A dishwasher? Don’t know how well he would’ve taken that.” Aralysa chuckles as she replies. “Nah, I think he transformed into some kind of submarine.”


Oh him. Yeah, he does decent work, not a bad teacher. Maybe I’ll just call him a washing machine if I run into him.” Roaster joking says at the end .


Headbite follows taking another bite of a cookie as she does so. She seems a bit calmer with the current company, but she’s quite clueless as to really what’s going on, being currently quite out of her depth and all.

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“That would be interesting to see.” Aralysa laughs. Then an idea wanders into her processor, and she shares it aloud to Roaster.
“Could he have been the one who constructed me?” The Hecatan bot dismisses the thought. “Nah. He probably would’ve mentioned it.”

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“To answer your first question, there have been many legends about Sentinel Prime hiding great treasures that have been told throughout history,” Codex tells Ivory. “Legends that seem to have come true, what with the discovery of the Prime Colonies. Sentinel Prime hid the Matrix of Leadership during the Great War to keep their existence hidden from the Decepticons, but if there’s anything else that he buried, I wouldn’t know what that could be. It’s possible there is something, though.”

Snowblind might see Watchdog, recognizable from his recent appearances in the news, leading some of her fellow terrorist-fighting vigilantes out of the Grand Museum.

“If you don’t mind, we’ll be stopping by the hospital to pick up your friends,” Watchdog tells the four. “Are you friends, actually? Or was this more of an impromptu thing?”

The EMTs run through the usual administrative routine to get Headbite admitted for reconstructive surgery. They also grant Aralysa and Roaster access to archived medical data on Decepticon weapons modifications, as they had promised. The three are given run of an operating theater to proceed as they wish.

“We’ll be going to the police station,” Overclock tells him. “Your friend will turn up, but I’m not equipped to search the whole northern hemisphere for him.”


“He might have, though I don’t think you’re in his usual style. But even if Whirlpool did, there’s this entire code about leaving the bots to develop on their own. At the very least not tell them, because ‘it will give them false perceptions.’ It drives me bonkers.” Roaster said as they got through admission.

Roaster gives quick thanks and waits to see if the EMTs remain with them during this operation or leave. While doing so, she directs Headbite to the operate rack and to lay down.

“Are you sure you don’t want to be in stasis for this?” Roaster asked Headbite one last time.


Tokamak gives her a cocky grin.

“I might be,” he said and transformed. “Hop on, I’ll show you how we outrace the sun.”


Headbite shook her head firmly, “No, no I do this all the time. I gotta replace parts a lot, mostly the squishy bits, those are always going bad…they taste pretty good though…”

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“It was pretty impromptu, at least for me,” Snowblind says, completely nonchalant as she joins the little procession.

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“Same here. I don’t really know anyone here.”
Niko replied.

“It seems we’ve been brought together by sheer circumstance.”
Maximus noted.

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“Well, the only bot that I’d consider a friend is Aralysa. I don’t really know many of these other people.” Stonefist replied, gesturing at the rest of the group. “Not that I’d be opposed to getting to know them better.”

“Hmmm, I suppose there’s always that. I’ve really got to get back to Hecate some time.” Aralysa replied, considering. “Might have to take Stonefist there.” she mused, but at this point they had been admitted to the hospital facility.

Aralysa turned to one of the EMTs, and asked, “What exactly are you planning to do to stabilize Headbite’s condition?”

Zip and Cargo

“I’ve been there,” says Zip. “Though, it was less of a mega big whale and more like a black hole, and it didn’t change anything about my already near-perfect outlook.”

“Of course, officer,” Cargo says, as he prepares to follow.


“Ah, yes,” Graves says. “I guess I was. Very well.” He hops into the PEDE mech and waits. “Lead the way, officer.”


Roaster sighs, “Alright. You know, self-cannibalism is harmful to your kind. I know some insecticons can get quite fond of it but.”

Provided Headbite is laying on the operating rack, Roaster flips on the switch to place her into stasis. The insecticon should feel the sleep of stasis lock coming over her swiftly as Roaster concludes, “it increase degradation and mutation.”

Overhearing Aralysa, Roaster says, “We’re going to stabilize her, just need to rebuild and arrange parts of her. With some Energon, her mental state should be fine…Though if she keeps eating herself, she might go feral.”

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