I don’t have a problem with the idea of Transformers having been on Earth earlier than the first movie implied–I do have a problem when Transformers like Optimus, who visibly arrived on Earth for the first time in the first movie, are now implied to have been there before, as the new trailer did…I’m not saying it should detract from whether one enjoys the movie, but from a story perspective, a constantly changing continuity is never a wise choice.
Is it really ever expressively stated that Prime was arriving for the first time? He could easily have been returning. Although his “unknown planet called Earth” from the first movie does kind of complicate things, that I’ll admit.
that could be fixed by saying that he was referring to the new “unknown” state of modern Earth.
Given that we see his protoform arriving and taking on his Earth form, I think it would be safe to say it was his first. Plus, his dialogue with Sam at their first meeting implies that they only recently gathered intelligence about the humans (they learned our languages via the Internet, according to him, so that means they could only have arrived as early as the late 90s).
I hate how hot rod is a character that provides too much comic relief. I think it’s his voice
Jeez, and we thought he had plot armor before!
I’m curious how they’ll explain this. If the hammer he wields is the Forge of Solus Prime, could it have lent it’s regenerative powers to him? Or is this a touch of “Cade Genius” we’re seeing?
I think it might have something more to do do with Cogman being a Headmaster. Or it’s something completely different, like [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:373, topic:19445”]
“Cade Genius”
or it’s something that is stupidly never explained. This could either be really awesome or really dumb, and I’m worried it’ll be really dumb.
Looking at it for like the fortieth time, I think it’s something that Cade whipped up as a distraction. Bumblebee can split himself into parts to make the bad guys think he’s dead, and then surprise them and kick their skidplates. When Bee’s head rolls up, his eyes aren’t dark like every other dead Transformer we’ve seen. Now, it may have been cut for the trailer, and so we don’t see the eyes go out before whatever happens happens, which meanss he’s alive. I think this may just be a new skill Bee has picked up thanks to Cade’s tinkering.
The trailer really kinda seemed poorly pit together, but overall…it was neat I guess?
I just got home from seeing The Last Knight, and I have to say that it is now my favorite Transformers movie. It took a little bit to get the ball rolling, but when it did oh man did it roll! The story is definitely the best in the Bayformers series, and I didn’t find it hard to follow like some of the critics apparently did. I can’t wait to own a copy of this movie and to see what’s in store for the future of the TFCU.
I’m off to see it in a few hours, but by everything I’ve seen it looks like it’ll be great. I think critics just shut down when you mention anything about lore beyond the robots are from another planet.
Old Transformers were led by 13 Primes and had a machine to zap the sun’s energy? Shutting down, can’t understand it, bad movie!
A giant space bridge and a ship on the moon that was captained by Optimus’ mentor? Shutting down, can’t understand it, bad movie!
An intergalactic bounty hunter after some secret knight group and Megatron has taken control of some drones? Shutting down, can’t understand it, bad movie!
Granted, the movies do have some genuine problems and the lore in these films keep contradicting itself, but just a little use of brain power can sort through some of these problems. Critics want to be spoon-fed their sci-fi plots that explain everything so they can move on and find the next Citizen Kane. I find it irritating that so few critics even bother to give these films a chance because of who is directing. By everything I’ve heard, EVERY SINGLE ROBOT is a definite character that has a personality. That’s a big change from 10 years ago when I couldn’t possible tell you who Blackout was as a character besides ‘evil’ (thank goodness for the DS games…). Seems like an improvement to me. Liven up, critics.
Also, real professional.
What I’ve heard and spoiled myself on I shouldn’t bother with the movie, and I think I’ll just stick with the toys for a moment
Saw it last night (ha) at 8:30 and didn’t get back until midnight, so didn’t bother posting.
I loved it. My dad however, not so much. What we have is a conundrum. Everyone complained about the previous movies that they plots were paper-thin and were just excuses for explosions. Now, they’ve added a plot and lore. And now everyone that isn’t a die-hard Transformers fan will be incredibly lost like my dad was.
For people that know their Transformers, I think it’s a good movie. For those that don’t, well, I can see why critics are bashing it because I can understand them being lost by the plot. This wasn’t a movie for general audiences. It was a love-letter to Transformers fans with robots that had personalities, a plot straight out of one of the TV shows, and lots of lore to boot.
The movie does have it’s issues though. For instance, it does feel like two movies in one. AoE suffered because it was too long. Several scenes could have been trimmed to help fix that nearly insufferable three hour runtime, but it was a cohesive story. The Last Knight really felt as though it was two movies combined, and that’s the major thing I think is wrong with it. TF5 should have either been the Autobots on the run and introducing new characters Izzy & Sqweeks, OR been the Knight plot. Not both. Izzy and Sqweeks disappear after the first third of the movie, and it becomes completely different after that. Still, for what we got, I feel like Bay did a good job with what he was given.
I loved that almost all the robots had personalities, and am excited that those that had limited screen time at least got one line a piece. The days of Jolt standing in the background and going poof are thankfully behind us. I’ll always find it weird that the movies don’t push the voice talent. Shouldn’t the fact that Ken Wantanabe, John Goodman, Steve Bushemi, and the butler from Downtan Abbey are in this film voicing Transformers be something to advertise? Oh well, I’m not the marketing department.
Overall, I really enjoyed it and am excited for TF6 (and cautiously optimistic for the Bumblebee film).
That is my only real complaint about this movie. [SPOILER]Onslaught and Mohawk were killed WAY to early, and the fact that Berserker made little more than a cameo was disapointing. It would have bothered me a lot more if the rest of the robot cast wasn’t so good (or better than the previous films, at least).
I had no desire to see this, but the trailers were kinda cool, so I checked the reviews and it honestly sounds painful to watch. I get these movies aren’t aiming to be high art or anything, but these movies are bad and I cannot find any real excuse for them. This movie is no exception, it actually sounds a bit worse which I didn’t think was possible.
Merlin. Who approved this thing?
It’s a polarizing movie to be sure. If you know plenty about Transformers lore and aren’t a geewunner, then I think you’ll like the movie. It still has a moment or two that aren’t explained at all, but the main reason the critics didn’t like it was because they were confused by the lore, which I can understand.
I’ll accept that it’s a bad movie in the sense that it’s only appealing to a certain demographic this time (TF fans that are knowledgeable on lore), and that makes it harder for general audiences to watch. Other than that it’s good. It’s not like Suicide Squad where even people who knew the comics thought it was dumb and couldn’t tell what was going on.
The Last Knight is not flawless by any means, but I feel that it does address and rectify most of the problems with the past four films (namely the lack of personality in the Transformers and the emphasis on action over plot), which is why it’s my favorite. That said, if you hated the first four, I wouldn’t bother seeing this one, because it still has some of the same tropes.
Maybe it’s not as bad as Suicide Squad, I honestly
don’t have the answer to that.
This is honestly a huge problem I have with a lot of stuff these days. A movie should be able to standalone, not rely on other works and assume that the audience has read/played/watched said source material. Even if I did, it’s not very well integrated and not much plot exists for me to care.
So me. Why would I like it?
Lore isn’t worth crap if it’s not implemented well, which it isn’t here.
This movie’s a mess for nerds and casual moviegoers alike. Poorly shot, poorly paced, poorly written. It’s just a bad movie. Worse than Suicide Squad IMO, because I could at least stay awake watching that. This was somehow both exhausting and boring to watch, and the “lore” didn’t make a lick of sense.
If you want a good action movie, go watch Baby Driver. Zoning out and remembering a few highlights from a two-and-a-half-hour-long movie isn’t fun.