So, I made this about a month ago, and I just got around to posting now because I’m about to take it apart. You see, I was going to make all three Insecticons, and I do actually have him and Bombshell done (and I might post him later), but I never actually made Shrapnell. Anyways, let me know what you guys think.
Dang, this is really good. Transformation looks pretty smooth; great work!
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To be honest with you, this feels like something shoved together in five minutes. The transformation is clunky, and while the final figure’s torso is reasonable, everything else is a bit jarring and unorganized.
Try to focus more on the design of the character and work on translating that to a more insectoid form.
You know, maybe it would work better in system
Thanks for the criticism, but the way. It’s not often I get it
Grim-lock lock lock…
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