Transformers: Salvation Signup and OOC Discussion Topic

Who knows. That may happen later.

Oh, but I’m not done yet…

No, I’m sorry to say. I’ll be handling any and all visions, for the most part.


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Oh alright

I’m a little saddened by that but it makes sense.

Sorry I wasn’t on today guys. I was getting some first-aid training, and that took most of the morning and the early afternoon. Then I had dinner with a friend, and that lasted a while. And then I had a hockey game.

And then I have work tomorrow from 10-6, so you won’t see much of me then either, I’m afraid. Sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll see about making a post or two in the morning.


a female friend?

Nah I’m just joshing. No need to tell.

You play hockey?

As I’ve said before, don’t apologize. You have no need to, do what you want. The only time I’ll start asking questions is if you leave for a week with no explanation, and even the. I’d be more concerned for you than the game.

Quick note: Velocitron wasn’t a cybertronian colony at this point in the universe.


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Oh… Uhm… I’ll edit it and say just “colony” then.

Here you go.

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Actually, I’ve mentioned previously that TOTGA-verse humanity is doing pretty well for itself. We’re an intergalactic power on par with a lot of sci-fi’s more utopian visions of humanity’s future.


Sorry, gimme a few moments again.

It’s cool. Aside from few words here and there in PMs and some throw-away lines from NPCs, I realize I haven’t talked about humanity all that much. I’d like to give their exact situation an air of ambiguity.

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Uhm… Then I guess me saying exactly what systems they colonised kinda did the opposite.

Hey, sorry to nitpick again, but it’s been mentioned more than once in the RP that no-one’s known how to build a space/ground bridge for millions of years at this point in the universe. People, like Thrift’s friend, have tried, but nobody’s succeeded.

Edited it.
Also what was Aridocara’s role in Mistika’s story?

I can’t remember.

The Savant’s AI is trying to be to the Salvation what L3 became for the Falcon in Solo, isn’t it?

Sort of, yeah.

He got shut down quick

yep. :stuck_out_tongue:

that, and she’s just messing with him, that’s the way she is. (not in a mean or hostile sense obviously.)

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