Updated character sheets.
Allied NPCs
Topside- Autobot captain
Name: Topside
Homeworld: Cybertron
Faction: Autobot
Topside has an overall appearance similar to Universe Macro, with the colors of Override GTS:
Alt-mode: Cybertronian sports car
Weapons: Topside wields a neutron assault rifle and a large energon greatsword.
Bio: A renowned naval captain chosen to be Salvation’s Autobot head for his accomplishments in battle. However, the monumental stakes of this mission weigh heavily upon him. He tries to hide this from the crew- leaders need to be strong, right? His more laid-back personality and leadership style clashes somewhat with his Decepticon counterpart’s way of doing things, which only adds to the animosity between the two.
_Shatterpoint- Decepticon captain
Name: Shatterpoint
Faction: Decepticon
Homeworld: Clemency
Alt-mode: Terran luxury car
Weapons: Shatterpoint wears a pair of Nucleon Shock Gauntlets (modified to conduct electricity, in addition to their usual capabilities), and carries a beam cannon over his right shoulder.
Bio: the snide and reserved co-captain of the Salvation, chosen to represent the Decepticons aboard the ship. He prefers to run a tight ship, so the chaos that naturally comes with a vessel like Salvation is very irksome to him. Like many Decepticons, he is still learning how to properly work with his Autobot enemies, overcoming his prejudices for the good of Cybertron. This… hasn’t been easy for him, and his stoic and uptight nature clashes with Topside’s personality and leadership style, which only makes things harder for him.
Motherboard- First Officer, among other positions
Name: Motherboard
Homeworld: Cybertron
Faction: Decepticon
Appearance: TFP Soundwave, with black armor and electric blue lights in lieu of the violet ones.
Alt-mode: Cybertronian reconnaissance drone.
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: Motherboard’s neural net is connected to Salvation’s computers, allowing her to control many of the Fleetcarrier’s systems, such as her weapons. On her person, she carries two pistols and can reform her hands into sharp, slender blades.
Bio: Motherboard’s processor has been augmented to grant her a connection to many of Salvation’s systems, and she uses this connection to help the crew run the massive Fleetcarrier. She seems to be almost entirely void of emotion, though whether that’s a side-effect of her upgrades or not is unknown. She often comes across as cold, unapproachable, and a little creepy to most, but she’s here to save Primus like most everyone else aboard ship.
Broadband- communications
Name: Broadband
Faction: Autobot
Homeworld: Conventus
Appearance: IDW Strafe:
-with the colors of Energon Towline:
Alt-mode: Terran communications van.
Weapons: A heavy plasma cannon and a hammer in each forearm.
Bio: the chatty and quick-witted Broadband serves as the communications officer aboard Salvation. Managing communications aboard such a massive ship is no easy feat, but Broadband gets it done, still finding time to dish out an endless battery of quips and pop-culture references for every almost situation.
Flyby and Brakeswitch- pilot, navigator
Names: Flyby, Brakeswitch
Faction: Decepticon
Homeworld: Cybertron
Appearances: Flyby resembles Titans Return Brainstorm, with the head of Shuffler, and a blue and white color scheme.
Brakeswitch resembles TR Arcee, with a white and blue color scheme.
Alt-modes: Flyby transforms into a Cybertronian jet, Brakeswitch turns into a Cybertronian sports car.
Weapons: Flyby wields a laser rifle and possesses two plasma blasters in his alt-mode. Brakeswitch wields two machine pistols that fire hard-light projectiles, and has uncanny navigational skills.
Bio: twins Flyby and Brakeswitch serve as the pilot and navigator for Salvation, respectively. Despite their… peculiarities… you won’t find any other Decepticons better suited for the task. The twins had a brief career aboard the Nemesis, which ended after Flyby attempted an insane maneuver that nearly crashed the flagship of the Decepticon navy. They were swiftly imprisoned, and might have been executed had Salvation’s mission not called for a pair of skilled and unorthodox bots to guide her through the unknown regions of the galaxy.
Forcep- medical officer
Name: Forcep
Faction: none
Homeworld: Paradon
Universe Anomaly, however with a black and cyan color scheme with yellow highlights. A red cross can also be seen on his right shoulder.
Alt-mode: Cybertronian ambulance.
Weapons: none. He does, however, possess a myriad of medical equipment built into his forearms.
Bio: a pacifist hailing from Paradon, Forcep’s proficiency in the field of medicine is nearly unrivaled, second only to the Autobot surgeon Ratchet. Though the atrocities of the Great War have turned him jaded and misanthropic, he will still offer his skills to any in need, regardless of faction.
Sprocket and Grommet- science officers
Names: Sprocket, Grommet
Homeworlds: Sprocket hails from Hecate, Grommet is a Chaaran.
Factions: Sprocket is an Autobot, Grommet is a Decepticon.
Sprocket resembles Dropkick from the Bumblebee movie, however with a predominantly dark brown color scheme with green accents. His eyes are yellow, and the lights that flash over his “mouth” when he talks are red and white.
Grommet resembles Universe Contagion, with Oil-slick’s colors.

Alt-modes: Sprocket is a triple-changer, possessing the alt-modes of a Terran attack helicopter and and muscle car. Grommet transforms into a Cybertronian armored car.
Weapons: Sprocket wields a plasma cannon in robot mode, and a machine gun and two missile pods in his helicopter form. The two tanks on Grommet’s back contain ammunition for his two Corrosive Slime Cannons, stowed in his forearms.
Bio: Sprocket and Grommet were each chosen by their respective factions to head the Salvation’s scientific endeavors during its voyage. The two have discovered that it will be an arduous task working together, as they cannot stand each other. Sprocket has an awkward and geeky personality, and studies the ancient technologies lost after the end of the Golden Age, while Grommet takes his role as a cybertronian biologist with deathly seriousness.
Greasemonkey- Chief Engineer
Name: Greasemonkey
Faction: Autobot
Homeworld: Cybertron
Subtype: techno-organic
Appearance: Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal, however with a white and red color scheme (white as the primary, red as the secondary). In lieu of a mouth, he has a dark grey plate covering most of the lower part of his face, and his right eye is much larger than his left, blue, and telescopic.
Alt-mode: an ape-like creature. In both beast mode and robot mode, some of his red fur can be observed to be gradually graying, due to his age.
Weapons: Greasemonkey is often found with a long, black cane, which can transform into a gauss rifle when needed.
Bio: a colleague of the Autobot scientist Wheeljack, Greasemonkey’s position as the Salvation’s chief engineer was warranted by the many experimental technologies included in her retrofit provided by the Autobots. The reclusive and antisocial cyborg is the oldest bot the ship, at over 79,000 years, but he has aged gracefully and won’t let his elderly body keep him from his duties. He can often be found tinkering, and might even prefer the company of non-sentient machines to his fellow autonomous robotic organisms.
Name: Thrift of the Rings
Titles: Vorn 9, Cycle 82’s Master of the Air Guitar; the Hero of Junkheap’s Gorge; All-time Multidimensional DDR Champion… the list goes on.
Faction: not applicable. Some might say I have commitment issues; I prefer to call myself free-spirited
Homeworld: Junkion, and proud of it!
This old concept art for movie Bumblebee, however with the colors of 2007’s Salvage:
(I know, I am the very image of male cybertronian beauty. Try not to swoon, please.)
Alt-modes: Having one alt-mode is rather limiting, I’ve discovered, and so I went under the knife to make myself a triple-changer. My first alt-mode is a glitchin’ terran muscle car. The second is a flying vehicle similar in appearance to Thrilling 30 Sandstorm’s:
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: in robot mode, I can reform his right forearm into a gauss cannon, and my forearm guards can deploy stinger blades:
My VTOL mode also possesses a chin-mounted mini-gun and missile launchers. Though I am a man of peace at spark, a traveler must be aware of the many dangers in the galaxy and arm himself for defense against them,
I travel the endless sea of stars in the Gambler, a humble craft built by yours truly. She’s not much, but I owe a lot to her.
The Gambler’s equipped with two manipulator arms (possessing cutting lasers) near the front end, and a crane in the back- necessary items for procuring and handling cargo- cargo for which my girl has a surprising amount of space to hold. In the off-chance I find myself pursued, I’ve equipped her with a… okay, _shoddy _active camouflage system (sadly, military-grade stealth-tech is valued at a price far above my income), and a payload of thermal mines. Like most spacecraft, she possesses a Quantum Drive for FTL travel.
Bio: I was born in the rings around my home-planet, surviving the roaming packs of savage cannibals long enough to make planetfall and join up with a crew of… freelance cargo runners. Eventually, through events too epic to describe in summary, I struck out on my own, building the Gambler and taking off in search of adventure throughout the galaxy. I’ve found it many times over; I’ve seen things no other cybertronian eye alive has seen, escaped dangers that have killed better men than I, and through it all have amassed a collection of rare and wondrous curious which can easily be yours, for the right price. These days I hang around hangar thirty on Salvation most of the time, and my proverbial doors are almost always open for business. Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back!
Name: Facelift
Faction: Decepticon
Homeworld: Hecate
Appearance: Animated Shockwave:
…With the colors of SDCC 2013 Shockwave:
Alt-mode: Cybertronian tank.
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: an electromagnetic cannon and a swath of tools fit for surgery and cold construction in his forearms.
Bio: Like your typical Hecatian, Facelift views the Cybertronian body like a living work of art… one which he enjoys picking apart and adding his own “touches” to. Formerly a medic- until he abused the position one too many times in pursuit of his true passion- Facelift has somehow found his way aboard the Salvation, and offers his skills in experimental, illegal, and oftentimes not without risk bodily modifications to the crew, albeit for a price.
Name: Salvo
Faction: Autobot
Homeworld: Gigantion
Subtype: Minicon
Appearance: Salvo resembles Cybertron Overide, albeit with alt-mode kibble more befitting of a Cybertronian half-track, and a color scheme similar to Kappa Supreme.
Salvo also possesses a mech that she can combine with to form a larger robot resembling Omega Supreme, however with the more “feminine” build/proportions of Pacific Rim Uprising’s Saber Athena. This mech also bears Kappa Supreme’s livery.
Alt-mode: Salvo transforms into a Cybertronian half-track, and the mech transforms into a mobile weapons platform similar in design to Halo Wars 2’s Locust.
Weapons: the claw in lieu of the mech’s right hand contains a beam weapon built into its “palm”, and the left forearm can transform into a riot cannon. A machine gun turret adorns each of her fins, and missile launchers can deploy over her shoulders. In vehicle mode, Salvo’s half-track possesses a projectile cannon.
Bio: a heavy weapons specialist who volunteered herself to serve as a test subject for a prototype of the weapons systems of Kappa Supreme, Salvo sells weaponry to her shipmates aboard Salvation. She is a formidable combatant, and has served on the front lines in some of the worst battles of the war. She has a tough, no-nonsense personality, in addition to a general suspicion of Decepticons, and crossing her would be most unwise.
Name: Halfrunner
Faction: none
Homeworld: Antilla
Appearance: Universe Ripraw, however his armor is predominantly black, and the flames are crimson in color.
This, but with the colors described above.
Weapons: an X12 Scrapmaker in his right forearm and two Path Blasters.
Bio: a friendly Antillian happy to see everyone at least pretending to get along again, Halfrunner spent the last five hundred years far from the war as part of a migrant fleet. Now aboard Salvation, he runs a small establishment he’s set up in the Fleetcarrier’s main hangar. All are welcome, provided things don’t get too rowdy.
Name: Lurch
Faction: Decepticon
Homeworld: Cybertron
Appearance: Universe Drive-by, however all the red is replaced with a deep violet color.
Alt-mode: Cybertronian luxury car.
Weapons: two shoulder-mounted missile launchers, and a plasma blaster in each forearm. He can also deploy sharp claws from his fingertips.
Bio: though forced to work alongside the Autobots for the time being, Lurch refuses to set his prejudices aside for the greater good. The snobbish Decepticon runs a pretentious watering hole aboard the Salvation, competing mainly with Halfrunner’s establishment and attracting other folks as unpleasant as he. He used to be a spy for the Decepticons, answering directly to Soundwave, but he suffered a severe injury which has kept him out of action since, and now all he can do is serve drinks and spout Decepticon propaganda. No doubt this contributes to his bitterness.
Name: Shockwave
Faction: Decepticon
Alt-mode: a cybertronian tank.
Weapons: Shockwave has replaced his left hand with a massive cannon reverse-engineered from Golden Age-era weaponry. The hyperflux cannon fires blasts of energy that create miniature black holes upon impact, ripping apart their targets. The cannon also generates an energy shield around Shockwave when charging. The cyclops also boasts immense physical strength.
Bio: Shockwave is the Decepticon Empire’s head scientist, and the most brilliant mind on Cybertron today. Versed in many scientific disciplines, the cyclops has developed many of the weapons and technological advancements that continue to give the Decepticons an edge over the Autobots. He was captured by Bludgeon to do the same for him, but our heroes recently rescued Shockwave and brought him aboard Salvation. Deducing aiding his rescuers as the most logical course of action, Shockwave will now use his intellect in service of our heroes in any way possible.
Name: Deus ex Machina (“Deus”, for short)
Faction: neutral
Appearance: Deus is a tall, lanky bot with a physique similar to that of a Geth Prime from the Mass Effect trilogy.
His armor is a patchwork of colors- mostly earth tones- and some of his body’s interior mechanisms are exposed on his abdomen and limbs.
Alt-mode: none. Scans done by Forcep indicate that, while he does possess a transformation cog, Deus has no alternate mode at the moment.
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: Deus has a modified Nucleon Charge rifle built into his left shoulder, but he cannot use it. He possesses no built-in weaponry at the present time, but he does have a enhanced physical strength and, like a junkion, he can endure pain and injury to a greater extent than most.
Deus also understands the ancient language of cyberglyphics, thanks to the Golden Age-era technologies that comprise part of his body. It is currently unknown whether or not said technology grants him other abilities, as well.
Bio: Deus was created rather recently during a battle between our heroes and a particularly bothersome mechanimal. The Hot Spot Cube imbued a random collection of ancient artifacts and lab equipment from Sprocket’s laboratory, and cobbled it together into a newborn cybertronian. Deus is mute, though he can express himself in writing and has demonstrated an understanding of neocybex. Though somewhat simple-minded, he is also very thoughtful, curious, and kind-hearted (kind-sparked?).
Insecticon Warrior
Classification: Insecticon warrior
Faction: none
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: Insecticon warriors are endowed with great strength, and fight using their sharp claws and teeth. In robot mode, they possess a smaller, secondary set of arms adorned with razor-sharp blades; in beast mode, they can deploy plasma cannons from their horns.
Bio: on an earlier adventure, our heroes encountered a dying insecticon hive, trapped on an uncharted world after the end of the Golden Age. When the heroes helped the hive with their plight, the queen showed her gratitude by sending her strongest warriors to aid Salvation on her quest. These warriors are descended from insecticon breeds long-thought to be extinct in the Imperium of Cybertron, and have sworn to put their formidable might to use in service of our heroes and their most important mission.