Name: Bludgeon
Faction: Decepticon
Homeworld: Caelum
Appearance: a towering and imposing cybertronian, resembling his ROTF voyager toy, albeit with more “alien” alt-mode kibble.
Alt-mode: Cybertronian heavy tank.
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: Bludgeon carries a long Energon greatsword similar in design to an ōdachi, and a dagger bearing resemblance to a wakizashi. The blades of these two swords can heat up to extreme temperatures to facilitate slicing through opponents, and they can combine into a single dual-bladed weapon.
Within each of Bludgeon’s forearms are stored purple energy swords that can spin at high speeds to block incoming attacks and deal more damage.
He also carries an electric cannon, which wreaks havoc upon the systems of any unfortunate soul on its receiving end- the initial shot is punishing enough, however the violent electric shocks afterward can short out weapons systems, impede motor and transformation functions, and generally ruin a bot’s day.
In tank mode, Bludgeon’s main turret sports a fusion cannon, and attached to it are two ionic pulse launchers, which fire missiles that create seismic waves upon detonation. In both forms, his armor is reinforced with a cybertanium alloy, making him remarkably resistant to damage.
Bio: an adherent the Cybertronian combat discipline of Metallikato, Bludgeon devotedly follows to its ancient spiritual teachings, believing it his destiny to become the successor to the “Ultimate Warrior” of legend who supposedly created it To this end, he sees himself as above even Megatron, and plans to usurp him as the Emperor of Destruction. He covets the power of the Omega Lock described in cybertronian lore; with divine power at his fingertips, surely nothing can stand between him and his perceived destiny. Despite his treacherous ambitions and warped perception of the cybertronian faith, Bludgeon himself still holds Metallikato’s code of honor as sacred- twisted though his interpretation of it may be. Perhaps our heroes can exploit this in their efforts to thwart his schemes…
Name: Banzaitron
Faction: Decepticon, by little more than association
Homeworld: Junkion
Appearance: G1 Banzaitron’s timelines toy.
Alt-mode: a terran spacefighter, akin to Titans Return Trigger-happy’s alt-mode.
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: Banzaitron is a student in seven cybertronian martial arts- though not a true master in any of them, this makes any close-quarters engagement with him rather perilous. For melee combat, Banzaitron wields two katana-like blades, the edges of which can be coated in plasma increase their lethality.
Banzaitron also carries four ion blasters on his person that he can use in both modes. His jet mode is also equipped with two additional electromagnetic cannons and missiles. He has recently acquired a pet mechanimal crab named Razor-sharp, who transforms into a semi-automatic rifle which fires explosive bolts of plasma.
Bio: though he often wears the mask of a cold and reserved warrior, Banzaitron’s pride and arrogance always shine through the facade, eventually. Once a competent mercenary in the beginning of the War, Bludgeon has since taken Banzaitron under his wing, and he has become the lord’s apprentice. He has not inherited his master’s dogmatic disposition, and isn’t opposed to fighting dirty to best his opponents.
Name: Thunderblast
Faction: Decepticon
Homeworld: Hecate
Appearance: Cybertron Thunderblast’s toy, though all the kibble on her back forms something of a cloak, rather than just hanging off her the way it does. The grey bits are also more silver in color.
Alt-mode: a Cybertronian fighter jet, akin to WFC Slipstream’s alt-mode.
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: in robot mode, Thunderblast wields a Thermo Rocket Cannon, which can also transform to fire a foldspace warhead. Her forearms can reconfigure into subsonic repeaters, and compartments in her arms hold a pair of sharp daggers.
Credit to artist Isaac Rinzuala. The hilt and guards are purple, with gold accents. The blade is silver in color, and all the lights are yellow, rather than blue.
In vehicle mode, Thunderblast can make use of the Thermo Rocket Cannon, along with a single plasma blaster under the craft’s nose.
Bio: In the vein of other “opportunistic” Decepticons such as Starscream, Thunderblast craves power and influence, and isn’t above backstabbing and other forms of foul play to facilitate her rise through the ranks of the Decepticon Empire. Her habit for manipulation, deceit and treachery borders on a pathological need, almost. She’s joined forces with Bludgeon, seeing the arrangement as a chance for her to jump up a few more rungs on the hierarchical ladder. A betting mech could safely place a few thousand shanix that Bludgeon could very well find himself on the end of her blades if he isn’t careful…
Name: Obsidian
Faction: Decepticon
Homeworld: Cybertron
Appearance: Obsidian has recently acquired a near-complete overhaul to his body, and now resembles Mastermind Creations’s Oberon, sporting a predominantly black color scheme.
Alt-mode: a cybertronian attack helicopter similar to the picture below.
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: Obsidian’s vehicle mode is equipped with a chin-mounted rotary cannon and a missile pod under each wing. The launchers are available to him in robot mode, as well, and can dispense a variety of projectiles. Obsidian’s forearms can also deploy gattling guns when in robot mode. His turbines can generate gale-force winds and house powerful energy cannons, as well. Obsidian is isn’t a physically strong adversary like Bludgeon or Strika, and so he prefers to keep his foes at a distance. However, his hands can transform into drills which he can use to strike devastating blows against enemies who get too close for comfort.
Bio: an infamous Decepticon general with a peculiar sense of loyalty, Obsidian dedicates himself to the defense of Cybertron and her colonies, having joined the Decepticons purely because of their superior military power at the time. He has come to believe that aligning himself with Bludgeon is in the best interest of Cybetron’s future, in spite of his resentment of the lord. He is cold, pragmatic, and a master tactician.
Name: Strika
Faction: Decepticon
Homeworld: Cybertron
Appearance: having recently acquired several extensive augmentations, Strika now resembles Mastermind Creations’ Titanika.
Alt-mode: a massive, six-wheeled cybertronian attack vehicle.
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: In robot mode, Strika can transform her forearms into fusion cannons, not unlike the singular one Megatron carries on his arm. She also carries two heavy assault rifles, which fire bolts of molten metal at enemies, and can deploy rocket launchers over each of her shoulders. For melee combat, Strika can deploy maces over her hands, augmenting her already devastating blows. She possesses immense strength and resistance to damage rivaled by almost no-one else her size, and has been known to survive attacks that by rights ought to have killed her.
In her new vehicle mode, Strika wields a deadly energy cannon that is similar in design to Salvation’s warp cannon- suggesting that Bludgeon’s spy has provided our heroes’ enemies with an alarming amount of information. Strika can also utilize her rocket launchers in vehicle mode, as well.
Bio: many have made the grave mistake of underestimating Strika’s intelligence from her brutish form, but in truth she is one of the most brilliant Decepticon minds on the battlefield. While her frequent partner Obsidian prefers to hover above the carnage and strike from afar, Strika charges fearlessly alongside the forces she commands into the thick of combat. Strika aims to thoroughly crush her opponents, refusing to accept anything less as a true victory for the Decepticons.
Name: Lockdown
Faction: Lockdown’s allegiance lies with the highest bidder. Currently, that is Bludgeon.
Homeworld: unknown.
Appearance: AOE Lockdown. He stands twenty-two feet tall in robot mode.
Alt-mode: a luxurious human car. Not very practical, maybe, but very aesthetically pleasing.
Weapons, abilities, and equipment: various. Lockdown is notorious for stealing weapons that strike his fancy from his quarries, and he has amassed a vast and varied arsenal over the course of his career. Lockdown is also known to collect the eyes of his quarries as trophies, and always keeps some of his collection secured on his left hip.
Lockdown’s ship, the Death’s Head, is a fair-sized, well-armed vessel that the mercenary uses to travel the cosmos, and to hold his growing collection of weaponry and… other mementos from his bounties. Lockdown has synced the Death’s Head’s weapons with his own targeting system, allowing him fire them remotely while on the battlefield. He does this rarely, however, as its hardly sporting.
Bio: the infamous bounty hunter and mercenary Lockdown has made quite the name for himself over the five hundred years the Great War has raged. His skills are second to none, and there doesn’t seem to be anyone in the galaxy he won’t put them to use for… so long as the price is right, of course. Lockdown cares truly for only two things in all the universe: himself, and the thrill of the hunt. The pay is just an added bonus. Cold, without mercy, and a touch sadistic, there’s little an unfortunate soul who finds himself his target can do, other than make their peace with the universe before he finds them.
Ground Troopers
Classification: Ground Trooper
Faction: Decepticon
Alt-mode: Ground Troopers transform into cybertronian SUVs, and can also assume a tertiary “attack mode” using Stealth Force technology, in which the car transforms into a hover vehicle.
Weapons: Ground Troopers carry photon burst rifles fitted with energy bayonets as their primary weapon, and are also equipped with plasma grenades. Their attack mode affords them higher mobility, and is armed with twin machine guns atop the hood of the car and grenade launchers situated above the rear wheels.
Bio: Ground Troopers are the rank-and-file of Bludgeon’s infantry. A single Trooper isn’t much of a threat, but in groups, or as support for more powerful allies, they can overwhelm and dispatch their foes.
Air Troopers
Classification: Air Trooper
Faction: Decepticon
Alt-mode: Air Troopers transform into cybertronian jets like the ones pictured above, built for speed and maneuverability.
Weapons: in robot mode, Air Troopers wield photon burst rifles fitted with energy bayonets, and can also fire missiles from their forearms. Their jet modes are also armed with missiles, along with plasma blasters under their wings.
Bio: where the Ground Troopers comprise the bulk of Bludgeon’s ground forces, the Air Troopers form the majority of his airborne ranks. In combat, they focus on chasing down and eliminating aerial hostiles, and strafing enemy troops on the ground, occasionally assuming robot mode to support their land-based counterparts.
Heavy Ground Troopers
Classification: Heavy Ground Trooper
Faction: Decepticon
Alt-mode: Heavy Ground Troopers transform into cybertronian tanks.
Weapons: in both robot and vehicle mode, Heavy Ground Troopers can utilize a large and powerful plasma cannon, crowning their turrets in tank mode, and extending from their backs in robot mode. When in robot mode, Heavy Ground Troopers can deploy scrapmaker miniguns and hammers from their forearms.
Bio: possessing tough armor and great physical strength, Heavy Ground Troopers rely on their might, not numbers, to combat their enemies. They will typically try to make ranged attacks on their foes, but are more than capable of holding their own if their targets decide to get up close and personal.
Heavy Air Troopers
Classification: Heavy Air Troopers
Faction: Decepticon
Weapons: in vehicle mode, Heavy Air Troopers can drop explosive payloads on their targets, but have no other weapons to speak of, relying on allies for support. In robot mode, Heavy Air Troopers wield heavy pistols, and carry a massive rocket launcher over their right shoulders.
Bio: Heavy Air Troopers provide support to Bludgeon’s ground forces, and are almost always accompanied by units of other types. Their lack of armaments in vehicle mode makes them vulnerable to attack, though they can put up more of a fight in robot mode.
Classification: Sharpshooter
Faction: Decepticon
Alt-mode: Sharpshooters transform into VTOL aircraft similar in design to Halo’s Wasp.
Weapons: In robot mode, Sharpshooter’s carry the deadly Nucleon Charge Rilfe- a sniper rifle with an impressive range that can pierce through most cybertronian armors- and an energon pistol. They also carry knives.
In vehicle mode, Sharpshooters are armed with missile launchers and laser beam emitters.
Bio: Sharpshooters are designed to take out their targets from afar- physically, they are the weakest of Bludgeon’s forces, and can be quickly dispatched in melee combat. They will endeavor to keep their enemies at range, however, where their weapons are quite effective.
Classification: Chem-trooper
Faction: Decepticon
Weapons: Chem-troopers carry corrosive slime cannons, which shoot globs of viscous liquid that quickly rusts and eats away at the armor of enemies. This weapon forms the barrel of their vehicle mode’s cannon.
Bio: Chem-troopers are commonly seen accompanying other units on the battlefield. Their weapons are deadly against ground targets, but are ineffective against airborne attackers. Chem-troopers have tough armor that allows them to shrug off attacks that would normally severely injure or outright kill their fellows- the tanks on their backs, however, which carry the ammunition for their slime cannons, are more vulnerable.
Classification: Mercenary
Faction: none
Alt-modes: mercenaries commonly transform into ATVs equipped with machine guns, or attack helicopters armed with miniguns and missile launchers. Some are triple-changers, and can transform into both.
Weapons: in addition to those listed above, Mercenaries wield a variety of weapons in robot mode, such as neutron assault rifles, scatterblaster shotguns, rocket launchers, and energon swords. Some are also equipped with active camouflage technology, rendering them almost invisible to the naked optic.
Bio: to bolster his troops, Bludgeon has hired hired hundreds of cybertronian mercenaries with the aid of Lockdown and Banzaitron. Motivated by the gracious payment being offered to them, they are skilled fighters and challenging opponents.
Classification: Grenadier
Faction: Decepticon
Alt-mode: Grenadiers transform into speedy cybertronian jets.
Weapons: in robot mode, Grenadiers are armed with twin grenade launchers stowed in each forearm. Originally designed to dispense plasma grenades, technologies acquired by the New Decepticons have yielded modifications to the launchers that allow them to fire two more types of explosives: Dark Energon Grenades, infused with the Blood of Unicron, exude a foul aura upon detonation that nauseates and fatigues targets. Energon Grenades, however, produce a healing aura that can repair most injuries short of a severed limb.
For melee combat, Grenadiers can deploy sharp blades from their forearms. In vehicle mode, they are armed with missile launchers, their warheads carrying similar munitions to their grenades.
Bio: Grenadiers have a simple role on the battlefield: they blow stuff up. Buildings, people- you name it, and they’re quite good at their job. They will try to keep their targets at a distance, but their blades and armor are not just for show- they can hold their own against a single opponent, but groups of attackers can overwhelm them.
Classification: Berserker
Faction: Decepticon
Alt-mode: Berserkers transform into fast cybertronian sports cars, armed with blasters on the sides.
Weapons: The blasters the Berserkers use in vehicle mode fire Dark Energon-based projectiles, which damage and fatigue enemies. In robot mode, they wield double-barreled plasma cannons and subsonic repeater SMGs. Their sharp claws are also good for tearing through armor.
Bio: against the wishes of Bludgeon, Thunderblast and Lockdown have injected some of the Heretics’ troops with Dark Energon, creating the Berserkers. The Blood of Unicron grants the Berserkers regenerative powers, but the more injuries they sustain, and the more the rely upon Dark Energon to keep themselves alive, the more they lose themselves to rage and bloodlust, until they become animalistic savages that are just as likely to attack allies as well as enemies. They typically attack by charging headlong at their foes.
Dropships are the primary means of transport for squadrons of Heretic soldiers, ferrying them from their warships to the battlefield. They are armed with plasma cannons and turrets on their sides manned by soldiers, and their armor is impervious to the weapons our heroes carry. Their engines, however, are a viable weakpoint, along with their weapons.[/details]
Siege Walkers
Siege Walkers are giant mechs utilized by the Heretics, piloted by a Ground Trooper seated in the vehicle’s chest area. In robot mode, it carries a massive, four-barreled fusion cannon and has sharp claws. In vehicle mode, the mech deploys two automatic plasma cannons, in addition to the fusion cannon. The Siege Walker’s armor is nigh-impervious to conventional weapons, though its joints and cockpit are viable weak points.