Transformers: Salvation Signup and OOC Discussion Topic

I know. I think the overall racism got King-Quan on the edge. It is a very delicate subject, so, some slack should be taken from him for not using proper language.

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And I am giving some slack. I, honestly, am anxious to see how this turns out.

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Well stay tune for “What will King-Quan do” episode.

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I don’t know why I am enjoying this. But is it wrong to enjoy it? lol.

I’d say yes and no. It’s wrong because your character is talking down to someone who could very well court martial King for insubordination and talking back like that…but it isn’t wrong because we all enjoy those scenes where someone gets verbally taken down a few pegs for behavior like ■■■■■■■■■■■■’s.

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Lol. ■■■■■■■■■■■■ is being racist. He attacked, King-Quan. As far as I am concerned. He is in the wrong, he is a Captain breaking the rules.

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I can see that. A captain should respect those in their command with the same respect they wish to be given, IMO.


Yes, what ■■■■■■■■■■■■ is doing is very risky and he could get demoted because of that oof.

If not, I imagine he will be given some disciplinary action that still lets him continue his duties as a captain.

If that happens, King-Quna will start a revolution.

Bruh, I’m starting to get fed up with ■■■■■■■■■■■■’s petulant behaviour. I’ll cut his head, Chrome.

This King-Quan right now:

■■■■■■■■■■■■ wouldn’t face any disciplinary action unless he attacks King-Quan, and he wouldn’t do that unless he really gets pushed over the edge. Beyond that, though, he’s free to growl at King-Quan all he wants, as far as Decepticon regulations are concerned.

That’s just how he’s wired. ■■■■■■■■■■■■ is a loyal Decepticon, and as such does not like Autobots very much- mouthy Autobots like King-Quan even less so.

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Well, I’ll beat ■■■■■■■■■■■■ at his own game.

List of Characters I hate:

  1. ■■■■■■■■■■■■.
  2. Bludgeon.
  3. Strika.

And the list goes on.

Sorry, yeah I’m here.

I keep forgetting for like, a day, and then there’s almost 100 something post and I have to work up the motivation to read them.

Just @ me whenever you want my charecters to get involved.

Okay… I have no Idea how to springboard off this.

Sprocket and Epsilon are gonna check out that spire he and Gatecrasher saw earlier. Sprocket was asking Gatecrasher if he wanted to come with them.

I think we may have found…Optimus Prime.

Whistles innocently, having no idea what you’re talking about.