Transformers: Salvation Signup and OOC Discussion Topic

I don’t see him getting to the lift only to see there is no hologram would get him into the trials, when he doesn’t even know where the trials are but okay?

Don’t think I don’t see what you did there you.

Anywho, this all looks great to me. Treadquake is accepted!

Well, he sees the lift Gronius was talking about, at least. What he does with that information is up to you.

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On one hand, I have a decepticon exploring and making friends with a tiny adorable bug.

And on the other, I have an autobot eagerly waiting to partake in a bloody horrific slaughter against a hoard of enemies.

Something doesn’t seem right here.


Actually I do need someone to tell me what the hell is going on lol.

Okay. The PCs are split into three groups: on the Salvation, on the Colony Ship (the characters don’t know it’s Optimus Prime’s) and have been given permission to take what they need but not leave it inoperable. In the fortress, Scorchlock is seeing the aftermath of two trials by combat undertaken by the Splitter Brothers, Venture, SideStep, Zepar and Garand.

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Okay, so to prove yourself worthy you need to succeed in the trials of combat?

that’s, more or less, how it’s been so far. The goal is to get the next Omega key or the next piece of the Omega Lock…I’m not sure which is the case but the goal is to get the next piece of the MacGuffin.

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The Omega Lock was split into five pieces, four of which being the Omega Keys.

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A lock… Made of keys…

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That made me realize this is going to be a long RP. Since when you started this? 2019? We 2020 already lol.

Yeah, Salvation’s already lasted longer than TOTGA. Which is funny, because I meant for it to be shorter.


When is the action going to start?

Be careful what you wish for…

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I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what I wish for :thinking:

The tougher the better. Ripping and tearing isn’t as fun without massive consequence hanging in the balance.

I’m probably gonna regret this but Chrome could very easily sic someone like Sephiroth on us to slice us to ribbons without hesitation and long before we can blink.

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Hey, if y’all wanna stay put. It’s fine. I do what I want lol. This RP. I’m not afraid lol. Besides, Scorchlock and King-Quan have more than the skill to take care of themselves. I always make sure of that and Chromes without a doubt knows it.

I’m just saying don’t tempt the GM/give them ideas.

Some random autobot: “Come on. This Bludgeon guy doesn’t sound so scary. How tough can he really be?”



My point exactly.