Transformers: Salvation

He begrudgingly pays the fine asking of repair teams ever get fined, leaving to fight Aridocara again and possibly do more damage

Halfrunner returns a moment later.

“And there you are, my friend,” he says, setting the three bottles on the table.

“Not often,” a repair bot replies as he works.

“Where’s Matchstick?” Aridocara calls, he’s got chipped paint and has lots of dents (even more)

“I’ve just got some anesthetics and simple drugs, but I hope you’ll find something to do with them.” He unstrapped his bandolier, holding out a fine selection of green jars.

“Thanks.” SideStep puts two bottles in his briefcase and takes a large swig of the third.

Sidestrike backed even more away letting her do her thing.

Matchstick could be found in engineering, watching from a catwalk as the gargantuan machinery throughout the cavern spun, pumped, and burned to keep Salvation flying. Greasemonkey and his fellow engineers scurried between them, performing maintenance as needed.

Forcep examines the medications for a moment, carefully scrutinizing each one, before accepting them.

“Thank you,” he says. “These’ll come in handy.”

He offers Blight 300 shanix.

The total cost of the drinks was 75 shanix.

“No problem,” Halfrunner replies.

Blight takes them happily and wishes Forcep a good day.

Song launched a fireball at the wall.

Forcep nods, replying only with a grunt as he resumes his work.

As the fireball makes contact, the tongues of flame on the mural dance, and another one of Alchemist’s eyes lights up, this one glowing red.

“So that worked.” Sidestrike said a bit surprised. “Now they are two eyes glowing…how do we light the third one?” he wondered as he looked at the picture again for clues (@Chromeharpoon)

A stream gently runs down the slope of the mountain depicted in the mural.

Song tried to touch it with one of her dragon hands.

Nothing happens. The metal wall felt exactly as one might expect it to.

Mallet reclines by a fountain of clear, sparkling energon in Little Iacon, resting from the previous battle.

Phasewing continues to work on the transmissions Zepar and Flareshot had sent him.

Salvo lists the prices of some of her wares on an electronic display by her store:

X-12 Scrapmaker minigun: $3000

Thermo-mines: 3 for $1000

Planet-buster rounds (riot cannon): $3000 each

Riot cannon: $1500

Magnetic smoke grenades: 2 for $1000

Path blaster: $600

“Gambler” rounds (path blaster): $800 each

In hangar thirty, Thrift maintains the various items he had for sale- mechanimals, drones, equipment of every kind and origin, miscellaneous curios, and more. He did not put up any prices for them- he was open to negotiation in that regard.

Facelift resides within his stretch of the maintenance tunnels, finishing up an operation to install a deadly weapon within the arm of a recent customer.

…He neglects to mention that said weapon had a slight likelihood of endangering its operator in addition to his foes…

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Sidestrike steps in and he places his hand on the stream and follows it down the slope of the mountain, to feel if there was a cold touch where Song could heat again.

There was nothing remarkable about the temperature of the wall- the cold feeling around the flames had disappeared, too.

Sidestrike facepalm’s himself and sighs. “Okay then what?” he said. He looked at the picture again.

The mountain was not carved to resemble one of metal, like those of Cybertron, Hecate, or Paradon, but one of stone and earth, as on organic worlds.

“One of stone and earth…as on organic worlds?” he questioned himself as he turned his attention to Song. “There is a river…we can get water from some of the techno-organic parks in little Icon but I don’t know what with the mountain is meant, do you?” he asked Song @Toa_Vladin

“Done deal.” Ironsight enthusiastically drops three thousand shanix on the counter.