@Ghosty The antenna is the same on mine. And yes most of the deluxes are as good (Trigger-happy is even better imo)
In your second picture, the headmaster looks almost lonely. Buy more toys.
@Middlefingerstudios YES, I would very much like that.
@Ghosty The antenna is the same on mine. And yes most of the deluxes are as good (Trigger-happy is even better imo)
In your second picture, the headmaster looks almost lonely. Buy more toys.
@Middlefingerstudios YES, I would very much like that.
How many of these figures I want though, that’s a different story.
@Ninjanicktf what exactly do you mean? Do you wish you could have some of the figures, or do you not want any of the figures?
Yeah, I could have made this more clear.
I want so many more TR figures, the one I want the most is probably Hotrod since I don’t have any Hotrod.
I have way too many of these. Like, WAY too many. Also, all hail Walgreens Brainstorm.
Once again, the real vip:
Also has anyone been having problems with their “Wirewolf” mine’s cockpit hinge has begun to chip:
it still works fine. And it’s not like I throw him around or anything, just transform him from time to time. It’s starting to bother me a bit though so I’d thought to ask you guys what you think.Honestly, not a fan of the generations Brainstorm. Greatly prefer the TR one.
@Joe 's has already cracked
You, you monster… Look what you’ve done:
I spent way to much time on that.@Sammythekat Really? That sucks.
Lol it’s shattered by this point.
@Jal don’t worry about it. The red plastic is somewhat soft and is enough to hold it on without the yellow.
But- but- I have Scourge.
@Jormad I don’t think Scourge is bad. Actually I don’t think any of my figures are “bad.” Except maybe Ramjet. I just don’t use them in as much stuff because they don’t really fit with the rest of my figures.
Ah. Anyways, so how about that Sixshot?
Ah yes, Terminus Hexatron. Since that thing is WAY out of my price range, I’m getting the new one.
So as someone who is trying to re-kindle their love for Transformers, which toy would you recommend to someone who is not really big on the blocky look of the newer Generations stuff?
Wait, so a toy from TF in general or do you just want it to be an out-there Generations toy?
Well that depends mostly on you. Budget, favorite characters, and well as originally stated… You.
If you mean in general then I’d suggest:
generations Springer
Generations waspinator
Titans return Chromedome
Titans return Trigger-happy
And my personal favorite:
Armada Terrorsaur (yes that’s a thing.)
In general, but generations is fine as well.
As for budget, no more then fifteen bucks would be great.
If you’re going for new, I’d recommend Titans Return Blurr or Mindwipe. Look for them at Walmart, usually marked down to $10. They’re a LITTLE blocky in parts but are very solid toys.
Blurr looks pretty neat, might check him out.