Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

Tie-Grabber and Machbreaker both meet back up with Railgun at the barracks, their leader just finishing up on putting the station parts away.

“Sir,” Machbreaker says to Railgun. “Clawshot is inviting us to their residence to hang out.”

“No. No! Please say no. Why would we ever ‘hang out’ with him?” Tie-Grabber complained.

Railgun gives Tie-Grabber a stern look, in which the crane takes a couple steps back in response. He then answers, “You may do so when the time is available. As of now, we need to check all storage depositories and re-secure entrances.”

Tie-Grabber was a bit happy with that answer while Machbreaker seemed indifferent as thought expecting it. The three go back into their passage ways and work on minor repairs for now, they would be back out again in a couple hours when the schedule allowed for it.

“We figure out who to start talking to,” Backbreaker says, shrugging his shoulders.

“I’ve not heard of him…sounds nice though…there’s some bots living in the walls…I really want to lure them out and befriend them…Would love to have the company. Don’t know how hard that’ll be…”

“I hope you don’t mean literally in the walls, because I’m pretty sure Iota wouldn’t allow that. Security risk.”

OOC: asking the same thing Juliana is.

“How about Gronius? We know him pretty well, and he’s got good connections to the other tier 2 guys. He’d be perfect.”

“…heh, heh, heh,” she chuckled mildly, “No they are quite literally in the walls.”

OOC: You’ve not been paying attention to TLR have you… :derp:

Backbreaker shakes his head.

“I don’t trust him,” he says. “Too mouthy.”

Hotshot thought for a moment.
“Bulkhead then? He’s a friendly guy so I’m sure he’ll be receptive. Plus he’s not lacking in the muscle department either.”

Backbreaker shakes his head again.

“You’re not listening,” he says. “The plan is to get most of us tier threes involved first- then we get one of us up into the twos to spread the word.”

“Right, right.”
Hotshot said before thinking again.
“That predacon. The raptor with the sniper rifle. What’s her name? You know who I’m talking about right?”

“Razorclaw,” Backbreaker says. “Yeah, she and I met a few days ago.”

“So what do you think? Unless you have any better ideas I think we should tell her first.”

“What about Juliana?” Backbreaker suggests. “She’s been here a while, has a good head on her shoulders.”

“You’re right. It would probably be a good idea to get someone more stable on board while we’re just starting out.”

Backbreaker nods his head again.

“You got any idea where she is? I can’t imagine she’ll be hard to find.”
@ProfSrlojohn @Chromeharpoon
Meanwhile Railfire finished his work on Nebula. The minicon awoke and slowly sat up. She looked down at the new port in her midsection. It was horrifying to see… But it was necessary.

Juliana could be found in the dining room, sitting across from Spirit.

“Wait, really? Who?”

“I don’t quite know yet…I was told about them…and I think I met one of them…He had this little claw hand…” She paused and unclicked the needle from her arm.

“Hrm… I’ll have to fix that. Living in the walls can’t be comfortable, and there’s got to be some extra room around here somewhere.”

“My room is pretty free. They’re quite small…”